Page 49 of Tangled up in You
"Nope, because thatwouldbe cheating."
She narrowed her eyes on his little smirk, then went ahead and landed her piece on the board.
"That’ll be…" His smirk turned into a full-blown grin.Devastating. "Two thousand dollars, please."
Alyssa glanced down at the measly amount of funds she had remaining, then her properties. She’d already sold her houses and hotels to cover her Park Placedebts, and now all she had left on the board were two sets of properties and Reading Railroad.
"Would you accept something in trade?"
"Now there’s a loaded question if I ever heard one," Jake chuckled out.
"Oh," she said, grinning and giving him a side-eye. "You know what I meant."
Come to think of it, it wasn’t a bad idea.
Maybe that would encourage Jonah to initiate their alone time. Though, at this point, she was beginning to wonder if it wouldeverhappen. It had been hours since she’d been with Josh. All day, in fact.
She’d thought, surely after breakfast he’d find a way to get her alone. But he hadn’t. The same for lunchanddinner. Worst yet, he’d barely touched her, which had kind of had her worried, until he’d snuck a kiss in after they’d had their final meal for the day.
That’s when Jonah had suggested they play some games. So far, they’d played Scrabble, Uno, and a rousing game of charades.
Two guesses who won each time, and the first guess didn’t count.
And now it was a given he’d win at Monopoly too. The man was seriously competitive.
Losing at games aside, it had been a good day filled with laughing over humorous stories about family, talking about anything and everything, learning about each other’s likes and dislikes. It kind of reminded her of a single, intensive, protracted first date.
The kind of date that when it’s done you tell your mom you’ve met the man you’re going to marry. And there was her dilemma. They had all touched her heart in different ways.
Josh, she’d discovered, had a surprisingly wicked sense of humor, while Jake had a serious side she’d never suspected. And Jonah? Well, he definitely had a hard edge to him, but he also had a lot of his brothers’ personality mixed in. It was that softer side—the humor—she’d spy occasionally that made her think he wasn’t as stern as he made himself out to be.
Separately, the men could keep a woman’s panties wet and pussy purring indefinitely.
Ovaries throughout the county had to be fluttering.
She knew hers were. And speaking of ovaries…
It had been hard not to keep touching her lower belly through the oversized black dress shirt she’d donned that morning after drying her hair. They guys hadinsistedshe wear it.
Too bad they really didn’t have any underwear. Although she would have had to tie them at the waist to keep them up if theyhadhad any. She’d kind of suspected for a while they were the commando kind of men. She’d found out they definitely were.
"No." He eyed the board, while she pulled her hand away from the temptation of rubbing her belly and tried to hide her disappointment at his focus on the game andnotwhere she’d hoped it would be. "But youcangive up some properties."
"Here we go," Josh grumbled, sitting back in his seat across from her at the kitchen table and crossing his arms.
"Let’s see." He gave a good impression of someone trying to make a hard decision as he tapped a finger against his lips, when they all knew he’d already made up his mind on what he was going to do. "I’ll take your railroad, and Baltic and Mediterranean Avenues."
"You take the wholemonopolyaspect of this game seriously, don’t you?" she groused, while grudgingly pulling the cards he’d requested—although requested could be considered a relative term, when a more apt one would have been extorted—from where she’d placed them under the coinciding places on the board.
"It’s damned irritating, isn’t it," Jake said with a frown that soon turned into a sly grin. "But at least it’s not just me and Josh he’s cleaning out this time."
"Thanks," she said, giving him another side-eye. "That makes me feel so much better."
"I see where this is going," Jake grumbled.