Page 50 of Tangled up in You
"Me too," Josh said, just as irritated, then handed his properties over to Jonah. "I bow to the master of Monopoly."
And there went another one of those small smiles from Jonah.
Yep, ovaries fluttering, panties wet—well, if she were wearing any they would be—and legs crossing to silence her wayward pussy.
"I do too, I guess." Jake gathered up all his land and the few pieces of money he had left and handed them over to Jonah as well.
"Admit it…" Jonah picked up his money and fanned it out in front of his face. "You can’t beat me."
"I’d like to tell you what you can beat," Jake said, giving his brother what she supposed was the evil eye. "But I’m too tired."
"Me too." Josh got up from the table and stretched. "I’m heading to bed."
"Same here."
Jake gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, while Josh planted one on the top of her head. Then both men were gone, going up the stairs, and…
Two sets of doors shut.
They went to their own rooms?
Maybe now.
She cast a hesitant glance at Jonah—his smile all self-satisfied—putting the game away.
And there she was, with no idea what to say.
Jonah didn’t have the same problem as he got up and put the game in one of their kitchen cabinets.
"Want to sit by the fireplace?"
She nodded, letting him pull her from the chair, before being led by the hand through to their family room where he sat in a corner of the big sectional, dragging her down beside him, then draping an arm over her shoulder.
The house wasreallyquiet without Jake and Josh. After sitting there several minutes, she finally glanced at the corner near the front window.
"You know," she said, then cleared her throat. "That space over there would have been perfect for a Christmas tree."
Jonah turned his head, then tilted it as he contemplated the space. Was he imagining how it would be with children running around on Christmas morning, tearing open packages while she and he and his brothers watched?
It was what was running through her mind.
"I suppose it would." Still kind of looking in the same direction, he took her hand. "I guess I should say I’m sorry you’re stuck here for Christmas," he murmured, turning back toward her and lifting her hand to his lips. "I’m sure you have a tree…" He kissed several fingers. "And presents." Then took her hand and placed it on his cheek, while giving her the longest of looks. "But Ican’tsay I’m sorry. It would be a lie if I did. Having you here has been a…" He scrubbed his rough cheek against her palm. "A gift."
"Speaking of gifts…" Had she been left with one? Or more. Did multiple births run in their family? That thought made it damned hard holding her free hand back when it wanted to creep over her stomach. So, she clenched her fist for what had to be the hundredth time to keep it in place. "I think we need to talk about something."
"Okay." He kept her hand in his and lowered it to his lap, his eyes on where he played with her fingers.
"We haven’t used protection."
His fingers stilled, before entwining them with hers as he let out a long sigh. They sat there like that as she waited, her throat dry and cheeks heated. Then he cast his eyes up at her, and his feeling were right there.
He wasn’t worried about it.
"Does that bother you?"
"Well…" It should. Itabsolutelyshould. But she couldn’t honestly say it did. "I?—"
"We’ve never gone without before," he murmured, squeezing her fingers.