Page 127 of From Me to You
Mikey gripped my wrist and turned me to face him.
I couldn’t help but ask, “How is he?” I whispered.
“He is destroyed, E.”
I nodded. “He will be okay. He has to be.”
I fixed my gaze on his emerald green eyes. “Because I love someone so much that I was willing to do anything for them. Take care of him.”
I kissed his cheek.
His brows furrowed in confusion, but I didn’t wait.
I rushed out to the driveway and slid into Will’s car. “Go,” I said, and he drove me out of my prison.
“Call me when you get there,” Will said as he hugged me in the car. He couldn’t come outside because if anyone recognized him, it would be a huge headache.
“I will,” I replied.
“Are you sure you will be okay?”
“Yeah.” I lied. “What about you? What are you going to do? I am sorry about your face again.”
“Don’t worry about me. I was already planning on moving out of that house. Plus, J.J. and I would hardly see each other.” He shrugged.
“Thank you for all your help, Will. You don’t know how much it means to me.”
“I hope you know what you are doing. But call me once you reach Seattle. I am always here for you if you ever need anything.”
“Thank you.” I nodded as I got out of the car and took my last flight out of LAX. I hoped I never returned to this scorned city again.
“Evy, what are you doing here?” Aunty M frowned as she opened the door for me. I hadn’t told her that I was coming back.
“Yeah, Aunty M. I am back for good,” I said as I headed inside.
“I don’t understand, till college, honey?”
I sighed as I placed my bag on the couch and plopped down. She came to sit beside me.
“I broke up with Jay.” Those words put a sour taste in my mouth. I hated it.
“Evy, oh no. Why?”
I shook my head.
“Was it him? Did he do something?” Aunty M placed a hand on my thigh.
“Jay never did anything wrong. It was all me. I decided it.” I turned my head toward her and met her concerned gaze. “I broke it off. I have my reasons for it, but please don’t ask me why. I don’t ever want to speak about it.” My voice shook as I told her.
She nodded. “But, Evy, honey. You love him so much. I don’t understand why you would break it off with him.”
“I know, Aunty M.” Tears burned my eyes as I gave her a sad smile. “I will always love Jay, no matter what. But sometimes some things are not meant to be.”
“Okay,” she whispered as she pulled me into a hug. “I don’t know what is going on with you, and I know you won’t tell me. But know that I am here for you, okay? I will always be here for you.”