Page 82 of From Me to You
“I gotta go now, sweetheart, but I will call you later, okay?”
“I love you,” I whispered.
“I love you more, sweetheart,” he said before his voice disappeared.
The dread in my stomach finally came to life. I knew two months wasn’t a big deal. But for me, it was. I had gotten so used to Jay being with me all the time that I didn’t know how to be without him. I didn’t know how I was going to survive two months without him.
Today was my graduation day. High school was officially over. I barely survived these past two months, but I had made it. His face behind a tiny screen kept me going somehow. And I was finally going to be seeing him in two days to stay with him in L.A. The Four Foxes were now officially signed with Pacific White Label. They had asked the band to stay in Los Angeles while they recorded their first-ever official studio album. I was so proud of him.
They had set the guys up in a huge mansion along with some other band while they got settled in L.A. It was their home now. Jay had already given me an entire house tour along with Katy. Itwas massive, and I was so excited because it was where I would be living for the next six months before college started. Honestly, I was most excited to live with him. It didn’t really matter where.
I sighed. Jay couldn’t make it to my graduation because he was playing his last show tonight in L.A. He sent a huge bouquet of pink peonies with the sweetest note ever, and I was going to be seeing him soon, so I wasn’t that mad at him.
“Look at you, officially a high school graduate.” Aunty M clapped as we walked to our house after the ceremony.
“I can’t wait to graduate already. Next year is going to suck with none of you guys here.” Lily pouted.
“Oh, sweetie, you will be fine. It will go by so fast before you know it.” Richard put an arm around his daughter.
The Jameson’s came for my graduation because they were the sweetest. And we were practically family now. It felt good to have a big family. I loved them all very much.
We soon reached our street, and the Jameson’s waved goodbye, grinning like fools. I waved confusedly, looking at their backs disappearing to their home.
“What was that about?” I muttered to myself.
“Come on, Evy. Help me open the door.” Aunty M grinned while she stood on the front porch.
I frowned at her. She seemed perfectly fine to open the door. I wondered why she was asking me to do it. I sighed as I trotted to the front door, picking up the key from her hand.
“Okay, honey, Liam is here. I am going to go now.” Aunty M grinned as she rushed to his car, which was now on our driveway. And it wasn’t here a few seconds ago. It looked like it magically appeared out of thin air.
I turned to her in shock. “Aunty M, what? I didn’t know you were leaving.”
She waved cheerfully from the passenger seat while Liam shouted “Congratulations” before they flew off the street.
I stood there stunned for a second, wondering what was going on. I sighed as I shook out of it and opened the door.
The smell of peonies was the first thing that greeted me as I stepped inside the dark foyer. Confused, I turned on the lights, and my heart flip-flopped in my chest at the sight of the gorgeous man standing in front of me with the biggest smile on his face.
“Congratulations, sweetheart,” Jay whispered.
I rushed to him—I couldn’t help it as I jumped into his arms. His familiar scent invaded my senses, and I was finally home.
All the pent-up emotion just burst out of me when I saw him standing there. Tears fell down my cheeks, and I started sobbing as I buried my face into his neck, just breathing him in.
“Sweetheart, hey. Fuck,” Jay muttered as he lifted me into his arms and walked over to the couch.
I clung to him, sobbing because I missed him so much. I actually didn’t know how to be without him. It came to say that you should never make someone your whole wide world because then when they were gone, everything fell apart. But I couldn’t prevent making him my everything. Jay would always be my whole wide world.
“Sweetheart, shh.” He pushed away all the hair stuck to my face. “Please don’t cry, baby. It’s all over now. No more being apart, okay?”
I pulled my face away from his neck and stared at him, my vision blurry. “You promise?” I choked.
Jay pressed his forehead against mine. “I promise. I love you so much. I swear, I won’t make you cry again.”
I nodded as a small smile crept up my face. “What are you doing here?” I cradled his face in my hand, relishing the feel of him after such a long time.