Page 4 of Mistress A-0002
His head shook. “Stop being so impersonal. I told you to call me Adrian. Melissa, I respect you. What I feel for you…” He stopped, his lids lowering even more as he lost himself in my gaze. “It’s more than words. It’s more than I can even wrap my head around. Come to my place. Come see what I got you.”
“More gifts?”
“Always, and this one is better than the diamond earrings. It’s better than the rings or stupid flowers. None of that impressed you.”
“Property? Land?”
“You won’t know unless you come.”
I took in the deserted room. Everyone was at the auctions.
Stepping forward, I closed the distance, pressing my breasts into him. Adrian’s hands flattened on my lower back, pulling me in even more. His chest rose and fell quicker as he kept my gaze.
“You feel something? More than wanting your cock inside me?”
My words were like suction, pulling his length deeper into my throat. A moan left him, and he dug his fingers into the back of my silk gown, curling the top part of his body around me. His lips hovered just above mine.
“You have no idea. I swear I do.”
“Then let me help you out with future gifts. Beach house. Penthouse. Big beds with bigger views. Diamonds. Gold. Designer labels and dollar bills. Lots and lots of dollars. That’s on the outside. Down here…my gifts are like the pretty bows that wrap my presents. If it doesn’t bleed,I don’t want it.”
Multiple expressions passed over his face. Slowly, he drew back, studying me more than I liked. Yes, I had him, but Adrian held a lot more power than he usually showed. When he was under my influence, he was in deep. But he had the ability to draw back when triggered, and something I said had him cautiously trying to get a read on me.
“Adrian, I understand if what I’m asking is too much.” I kept eye contact, pulling back even more, dislodging his hands. “Not many Masters would be comfortable killing in front of another person. Death is intimate. Private. No one understands that more than me. I just…” I bit my bottom lip, flattening my palm on his sternum, easing my digits into the button-up he wore under the suit’s vest and jacket. “I want it because it’s what…couples do. And if you liked me more than someone to just have sex with, what more profound way?—”
“Man or woman?”
My mouth opened, and I stepped back as the elevator dinged. The doors opened and I threw a smile to the three Masters who stepped out and headed towards the auction rooms. Only when they were through the threshold did I reach for Adrian, pulling him off to the side to be out of view. He didn’t need a verbal cue. Our lips met hungrily, and he grabbed my ass, pulling me back into his body.
“Woman,” I moaned. “Dark hair. The prettiest one you can find.” Adrian went back to kissing me like I was something he couldn’t live without. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Melissa.” My back hit the wall as his powerful body tightened around mine. He was holding securely. Possessively. So much like Elec did when we were together. “Two slaves. I’ll buy you two.”
“And you’ll kill them for me? Any way I want? You’ll prove your devotion?”
“I’m going to do a lot more than that. It should be me asking if you’re sure you want me to. Melissa, I…You’ve heard my sessions. You’re my doctor. When I start—When I get in that mindset, I’m not the man I am now. Hearing it is one thing. Seeing is quite another. You may never look at me the same way again. It’s going to be bad. Really, really bad for the slaves.”
“I know.” My lips pulled back into a half smile. “I’m counting on it.”
Main Master
If lies were a lesson and trust was formidable…was deception acceptable? Was there leeway for manipulation?
I wasn’t sure about anything anymore. I hated that it was beginning to show. Maybe it was in the determined strides as I stalked through the nearly dead laboratory like a man ready to tear the head off anyone who got in my way. Or perhaps it was the homicidal glare I couldn’t mask as I passed guards and the occasional doctor. I was drunk. Well beyond shitfaced. Wasted, if I wanted to be honest, but I was on a mission. This couldn’t be right.But it was.
Even as my mind tried to dismiss my suspicions over Melissa, the facts were too obvious to ignore. Georgie and Shane had tried to talk sense into me not an hour ago at the club, but I hadn’t wanted to listen. I had no choice. Stating my concerns to Shane about missing time hadn’t been done by accident. It wasn’t a slip on my part. Neither was my denial for their help. I was in trouble. Even if it was nearly impossible for me to process it, I was no fool. My subconscious was taking the lead, and I’d be damned if I didn’t let it rule me. Given the circumstances, the only one I could trust was myself…no matter how locked away I was in my own mind.
I glanced at my watch, furrowing my brow. It was never supposed to be this way. The student was usually the one to try to take power. To overthrow the teacher. Melissa had taught me everything I knew. Mistress Two had shown me off to the Uppers like her shiny, new toy. Manipulating them. Making me a God in their eyes. From the moment Whitlock fell, she said I was meant to be Main Master. Before then, she’d whispered of a takedown that never had a chance to happen. Whitlock crumbled to the ground from Bram’s own doing, and I was paraded as the newhim. The man I’d spent years training to be. Now that I was here as Main Master…she what? Had changed her mind? Wanted to be the MainMistress, replacing me to rule the Gardens, herself? Or…if I was in control and didn’t know it…was this my game?
“Where’s Dr. Milsap? Dr. Milsap!”
The guard outside the upcoming doors had his mouth opened, but words couldn’t leave him before the lead scientist clumsily rushed from one of the assessment rooms to my left. He adjusted his white lab coat as he abruptly stopped before me.
“M-Main Master, I didn’t know you were coming down. I would have been prepared. Was there an issue? Is everything okay?”
I watched his anxiety build, waiting to see his response at my silence. Wariness left no room for direction. Although I expected his worry, I wasn’t going to feed any answers concerning secrets he might have held.
“It’s auction night,” Dr. Milsap said, glancing around. “Tell me we didn’t rush.”