Page 5 of Mistress A-0002
“The female blank slates were ready. They’re fine.”
He let out a deep breath. “Thank God. I thought—Auction nights are always chaotic down here. We wait, hoping not to hear bad news.”
“No issues so far. But I’m not here about the blank slates.”
“No? What can I help you with, Main Master?”
Words wouldn’t come as I scanned his face. My lips parted, only to close in a tight line. Seconds passed. A minute. Two. The doctor shifted nervously as he waited for an answer I couldn’t express. Light laughter had my lids closing as I stood straighter. Clicking. Clicking. I could feel each clack-clack of high heels grinding my ears.
“Well, well. What do we have here?”
Calm. Show nothing. Show her nothing.
Opening my eyes, I turned to look behind me. Any expression I could have held melted as I took in drenched red hair. It was so wet it looked black. Crimson saturated the ivory silk dress in large blotches, making the conservative fit leave nothing to the imagination as it clung to full breasts. The frayed slit on the side was torn higher than the original cut. Each step was…seductive. There was a sway of her hips that had me trying to break the fog that was settling in. The narrowed look on Melissa’s blood-splattered face increased the closer she got.
“Mistress Two.” I cleared my throat, hating how my tie was already hanging loosely around my neck. The need to pull at my collar was nearly unbearable, but I held my stature, not keeping her stare for long. “You look like you’ve had fun tonight.”
She smiled. “Oh, I have. But not you. You look like hell.”
Did I? Fuck. That she could tell just added to my anger. I had an image to uphold. I had to look pristine. My tie was too much insight. The missing buttons of my shirt from my aggravation were even more awareness that she didn’t need to know. Why hadn’t I changed before I came here? It wasn’t like me to forget such an important detail. I wasn’t on my game lately. Not even close.
“I haven’t forgotten about my appointment.”
“And I wasn’t here to remind you, Elec.”
“Why are you here?Were you following me?”
Another soft laugh. She bit her bottom lip, stepping around me, almost dismissively. It had me turning to watch her every move.
“You think I was following you? Dressed like this? Don’t be ridiculous. I’m here for my slave.”
“You need another?” I gestured to her dress.” It looks like you’ve had your fill. And recently. Your hair is still partially wet.”
“This wasn’t from my slave. I haven’t retrieved mine yet. I’m doing that now. This… these were gifts.”
“Gifts?” Again, my gaze wandered to the torn slit stopping mid-thigh. “Who’s the lucky Master this time?”
Her mask dropped and a mix of hurt emotions took over. “You’re slurring. You’re drunk.”
My teeth clenched as I watched her mood decline even more. “I’m not. I’ve just been…busy.”
“I should go. If you’re busy, I won’t keep you.” She took a few steps, stopping. Thick, wet sections of waves swayed just past her shoulders as she turned back to face me. She shifted and her stiff body slouched, almost defeatedly. I watched Melissa take on the fear and uncertainty of a child. Shaky hands. Helpless eyes. “Unless you’d rather come while I pick up my slave. We can take care of your session on our way. It’s only a few questions. Maybe an exercise or two. It won’t take long.”
“You want to do the session now?”
“You seemed surprised.”
Melissa wasn’t one to break protocol. She was like me, by the book. Rules were rules. But out here I was safer than in her office. There, with no cameras, I’d have no way to see what really happened. Here…
“You’re acting differently.” I scanned her face, seeing the vulnerability she tried hiding. I could almost see the teacher that I’d grown to care for. That I remembered from our earlier years. It was sobering but confusing as she glanced at Dr. Milsap. Shesnapped, flicking her hand for him to leave. It was such a soft gesture. Not authoritative at all.
More pausing. Melissa sighed, slightly twisting her lips. “I’m fine. I’ve just been thinking about my behavior towards you. I must apologize for—This place, it sometimes makes me on edge. The things I hear from these Masters and Mistresses.” Her head tilted down, only for her to peer up through thick lashes. “I wasn’t prepared. Especially for our private collection. I fear if I wasn’t ready, perhaps I didn’t prepare you good enough either.Elec.” Her tone dropped, and she stepped forward, reaching for my bicep. The moment Dr. Milsap disappeared behind his door, her expression became even more exposed. She pulled me with her as we began to leave the room to head for the slave quarters. Only when we were out of earshot from the guard posted at the door did she begin talking again. “I just worry over you. I know you’re every bit the Main Master I helped to create, and you’re so strong. You’ve always been my rock. I can count on you for anything, and I do, so much. I just…for me…I wish I…I’m not sure...” I stopped us, turning her to face me as I locked on her stare. Tears were welling, and her full bottom lip was quivering.
“Melissa…you’re afraid.”
It wasn’t a question. I shook my head at her the moment she went to lower her face and hide what I could see.
“Answer me.Mistress Two. Is that what it is? Are the Masters from the private collection too much? You know their fate. What they want we don’t give. They have no access to the children.”