Page 3 of The Cruelest Undead
“I’m not saying no,” Jolie said. “Wine makes me want to have sex.”
Well, now, his day was looking that much better.
Flynn laughed.
“Baby, blood makes you want to have sex too. Thus, why when we fed you, you molested us. I’m beginning to think you’re a nympho. Just promise me that you won’t change.”
She laughed and winked.
“You should get me drunk and have more fun. That’s what I’d do in your position.”
Yeah, he was good with that.
Why not have a little fun?
Taking his cue, he winked at her.
“On it, wife. One drunken vampyre-demon nympho coming up.”
As Flynn headed for their kitchen, he really wanted to take a moment to be alone.
He needed to escape.
Deep down, he was holding his emotions back, and it wouldn’t be long before Rinnon ratted him out. He could keep his feelings locked away for a while.
Now, his heart hurt that his parents missed out on so much of his life.
They never saw him become a detective.
They never saw his wife.
His children.
A part of him wondered what life would be like if they had lived. His mother had been raged by cancer, and his father…he’d died of a broken heart—of sorts.
This last case had sucked because now, he was thinking about family.
His origins.
As he rounded the corner, walking into the kitchen that took up a good deal of the space, he saw something that chilled him to the bone.
In fact, it was so startling, Flynn stopped dead in his tracks and dropped his wine glass.
It crashed to the floor shattering into a million pieces at his feet.
“Jolie!DEATH!” he called as Rinnon roared from inside him at the strangers he found in his lair.
The cave shook, and the mountain came alive with Rinnon’s rage and protectiveness.
Only, from where he stood, Flynn couldn’t believe his eyes.
“What?” Jolie asked as they came running into the room and sliding to a stop.
Jacques could smell it.
Immediately, he knew that Rinnon had made one hell of a mistake. He’d not only used an ancient spell to block them from Fate, but he’d borrowed another one.
One that made Death…Death.