Page 4 of The Cruelest Undead
“Uh, oh,” he said, seeing what had Flynn shocked. This was going to bite them in the ass at some point.
Jolie was confused.
“Who the hell are they?” she asked, pointing at a man and woman standing in the kitchen and looking around just as confused as they were.
They looked familiar, but she didn’t know from where.
Flynn found his words.
“Uh, I don’t know what’s going on, but those are my parents, and they are no longer dead.”
In that moment, they all knew they had a problem.
Someone had just unknowingly raised the dead.
Flynn’s dead.
And there was going to be hell to pay. Someone had picked up some of Jacques’ gifts and become a necromancer.
Thanks to Rinnon and some kinky sex.
Oh, Hell’s Bells.
This was bad.
* * *T u e u r A n t i q u i t i e s* * *
Paris, France
Same Time
Oh, she was going to make sure that Rinnon and his‘family’paid the ultimate price for daring to make her existence hellish.
How dare they?
Without a doubt, screwing with them was going to be her greatest joy, and Fate knew this would be a killing blow to Daddy detestable.
Call it a hunch.
A huge one.
Now, it was about manipulating this pathetic creature that belonged to Death, so that she could set up the final showdown where Rinnon and his people lost their battle.
They needed to go so she could rise to the top and control the world.
What it came down to was that there was collateral damage.
For Fate, Vampyres were of no use to her.
They were damaged, broken creatures that had no soul, and didn’t matter.
In fact, she could care less if they went back into the box or not.