Page 104 of Accepting Fate
Grayson doesn’t even dignify that with a response and continues to laugh.
Collecting myself enough to talk, I feel the need to explore this further. “What’s wrong with them?”
Noah shoots me a look. "Umm, let me think. Their songs suck. Their dance moves suck. Want me to go on?”
I clue in to what he’s talking about. "Ohhh, you’re an *NSYNC boy?”
"Yes, you big dummy! Why do you think my hair looks like this?” Noah says while running his hands through his blond spikey hair.
Grayson chuckles behind me and buries his face in my hair. "I’m sorry,” I tell Noah. "I didn’t know. But I think I will have to be a traitor because I’m definitely a Backstreet Boy girl. I love your hair though!”
He crosses his arms over his chest and glares at me for a moment. "Fine. I’ll let it slide but only because you’re my friend and will be my big sis one day.”
Before I can process what he just said, Grayson speaks up, "Noah, shut up and go listen to Justin, Lance, JT, Joe, and Carl.”
Noah huffs. "That isn’t even close to their names, dumbass, but it's not your fault Mom and Dad had to save all the brains and beauty for me.”
Without turning around, I know Grayson is rolling his eyes.
Noah shifts his focus to me. "Well, traitor. I’ll leave you to get back to mouth fucking my brother, but I leave you with one important thing.” He takes a step back and widens his legs. Raising his arm, he makes a middle finger and yells, “BYE BYE BYE!”, while moving his extended arm across his body. He stomps away into The Hideout and my control is gone. I laugh so hard, tears stream down my face and I fall to the ground clutching my side.
Gray picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder, with me still laughing. He carries me inside and up to one of the spare bedrooms on the second floor and sits me on the edge of the bed.
After a few moments, my laughter subsides, and I take in the bedroom. I haven’t been in this one yet. The room is one of the smaller ones. A bed, dresser, and closet are all the room consists of.
Shutting the door, Grayson walks over to me and kneels in front of me. Reaching up to brush a strand of hair off my face, his eyes full of concern. "Hey, sorry about that, Noah has a big mouth.”
I’m confused at first and then I remember the comment Noah made. "It’s okay. It surprised me but Noah is insane so, at this point, I just try to expect the unexpected when it comes to him.” I don’t think he believes me because his brow is still furrowed. I reach up and run my thumb across it. "Bear, I’m fine I promise. I know you respect my pace. I don’t want to think about marriage right now. I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow but at this moment, I’m happy and that is because of you. I want to focus on that and not my fears.”
It also helps that he tells me daily that I’m his forever.
Grayson’s eyes light up and he cups my face and smashes his lips against mine. When he releases me, I gasp. "What was that for?”
He strokes my cheek. "Thank you for trusting me enough to let me see your light shine.”
Logan Blake Sawyer, death by Grayson’s words. How the hell does this man make me melt every time he speaks?
A wave of emotion comes over me. I look down at my hands in my lap and start picking the nail polish off.
Grayson grabs my hands. "Look at me.”
I ignore him and stare at our joined hands. Ugh. Why can’t I be fucking normal and have a normal relationship? Tears threaten to fall, and I will them not to. Grayson has seen too many of them lately. And although the longevity of a relationship scares me, losing him scares me more.
"Logan, look at me. Now.” His voice goes stern. Slowly, I lift my eyes to meet him. "Thank you. Please don’t hide from me. You know how much you mean to me and I really fucking hate it when you hide.”
"Sorry, I’m embarrassed.”
"No reason to be embarrassed, Angel. I am proud of you every day. Even if all you do is get off the couch and walk to the bathroom. I’m not going anywhere. But right now, I want to show you how much these tight ass shorts make me feel.”
"Wait, what?” Before I can figure out what’s happening, Grayson grabs me by my waist and tosses me into the center of the bed.
Ohh, I get it. I like this better.
I reach up and grab his face and slam it into mine. I kiss him with everything I have. His tongue pokes against my lips, seeking access to mine. I open up and he devours me. His body comes down on top of mine and my control is out the window. I need to feel him against me.
Suddenly, Grayson leans back and sits on his legs. He stares down at me. Fuck, this man looks like he’s about to make me his next meal.
Actually, that sounds great.