Page 112 of Accepting Fate
Ryan flashes me a shy smile and says, "Okay. Chase is my favorite.”
Walking backwards to the truck, I give him a big smile. "Really? Marshall is my favorite.”
I reach the truck and Wes hands me my phone, while Grayson sits Ryan on the backseat.
"Alright, buddy. Can Logan take a look at your finger?” Grayson asks.
I hand him my phone, which is now playing Paw Patrol, and he gives it to Ryan. I learned very quickly to have kids shows downloaded on my phone and ready to go. It can change a screaming child to a calm and distracted one in seconds.
"Yeah. Is my daddy going to be here soon?”
Grayson steps out of my way and turns on the lights inside the truck.
Ryan stays focused on his show and holds out his left hand. The tip of his middle finger is slightly crooked.
I squeeze his nail gently and watch as the color returns immediately. There isn’t a ton you can do for a broken finger so he will have to wait until we get to the hospital.
"Ryan, honey, does your finger hurt?”
"Nope! I was playing tag with my mommy, and I tripped on a stick. I didn’t cry. It hurt for only a second then Mommy let me eat cake for dinner!”
"Well, that was nice of her. Would it be okay if I lifted your shirt to check your belly really quick?”
"Can I keep watching my show?”
"Absolutely. I’ll be quick.”
He leans back and I lift his shirt, feeling around his stomach. I don’t see anything obvious. But I still want to take him in to be sure.
"Alrighty, little man. I’m going to go ask my friend when we are meeting your daddy. Can you do me a big favor and stay right here? I’m going to close the door but if you need anything, the window is open. Just yell for me and I'll come back, okay?”
He gives me a thumbs up and I close the door. Turning around, I see Grayson and Wes watching me. They are standing in the middle of the road, Wes holding a radio in his hands.
When I get close, Grayson pulls me to his side and kisses the top of my head.
"How?” I ask still in shock.
Grayson shrugs and speaks quietly so Ryan doesn’t hear us. "I have no fucking clue. He was sleeping in his bed when we got there. The mom was doing some weird ass chant in the living room and was so out of it, she didn’t even notice us.”
"What the hell?” I say, still confused.
"Your guess is as good as mine, Angel.”
"So, what now? Do we meet his dad?”
"Landon called the police. They’ll be here soon. Noah has the mom restrained in the living room. Ryan’s dad is going to meet us somewhere along the way.”
"Wait, you’re not going to…”
Wes speaks up, "No. She didn’t harm the child physically. She will rot in prison for the rest of her life.”
Static comes over the radio and Landon’s voice comes through. "Logan?”
Wes hands me the radio. "Yes?”
“Medical report please? I have Ryan’s dad on the phone.”
I give him an update on Ryan.