Page 113 of Accepting Fate
"Thanks,” Landon says. "Wes, come up here. Grayson and Logan, I’m texting you the dad’s number and you can head out.”
Wes takes his radio back and heads up the driveway.
Grayson pulls me to his chest and hugs me tight. "Thank you.”
Winding my arms around him, I rest my chin on his chest, looking up at him. "Of course.”
He drops a kiss to my lips and we both look at Ryan, smiling and laughing at his show.
"I love you, Angel.”
"I love you too Bear.”
This wasn’t how this night was supposed to go. Hell, this isn’t how the last few months were supposed to go and I don’t want anything to change.
Chapter Thirty-One
Angel: Look at me getting out of work on time. Headed home. See you tomorrow. Love youuu
IsweartoGod,that girl better be passed out on the couch or talking to her friends because she hasn’t answered any of my damn calls or texts for the past hour. I told her I had to be at The Hideout tonight to restock the supply room and said she could hang out here, but she wanted me to go to her place after I was done. I thought she was going to call me when she got home but she didn’t and now I’m worried. Logan has made me into a man that freaks out and races over to make sure the girl that has a vice grip on my damn heart isn’t lying in a ditch on the side of the road.
Ignoring my brother’s stares, I run out of The Hideout and hop on my bike.
When I pull up to her house, I can tell she's home from the light coming from the tops of the living room windows. Unlocking the door, I’m surprised I’m not stopped by the door jammer. She hasn’t been using it since I started staying with her, but she usually does when I’m not here.
As soon as I open the door, I stop. My girl is dancing her little heart out on top of the coffee table in one of my t-shirts that hangs down to her thighs, and as she raises her arms over her head, I see that she’s wearing a neon pink thong. Her hips sway to the music in a hypnotic way that I can’t look away. As if this sight wasn't already a major turn-on, when she spins around, I see she's made a microphone out of a lollipop.
Logan smiles and jumps down from her stage. "Hey, is there a reason you are always showing up at my house unannounced?”
I walk further into the room and see Logan must have stripped her scrubs as soon as she walked in the door because they are in a pile by the couch. I turn and rake my eyes down her body. When I make it back up to her face and meet her eyes, they are filled with lust. I reach out and pull her to me, breathing in her freshly washed hair.
I’m going to buy this girl boxes of that fucking strawberry and vanilla scented shampoo.
I cup my hand on the side of her face, my fingers threading through her wet hair, and tilt her head so she meets my eyes. "Nice shirt, Angel.”
She smiles, taking the lollipop out of her mouth and putting it in mine. Rising up on her toes, she kisses me on the cheek. "Thanks! Stole it from some bearded dude with tattoos.” Reaching around me, she smacks my ass and skips over to where her phone sits. Then she turns up the music and jumps back up on the table to continue her dance party.
The sound of Cody Johnson’s "Dance Her Home” fills the air. I can’t take my eyes off this damn girl. I make my way to sit on the couch and sink down, enjoying the lollipop my girl so generously gave me, and the show. My dick is so fucking hard right now, it threatens to rip right through my pants.
Logan raises her arms above her head, causing her shirt to rise, giving me a peek of her ass in that sexy as fuck underwear. I want to bury my face between her legs and make her scream my name.
The song ends and she looks down from her stage and her movements halt. Her eyes narrow as she catches a glimpse of the obvious bulge in my jeans.
She starts pulling at the bottom of the shirt, attempting to make it longer. Gone is carefree Logan and in comes my sweet shy girl.
I sit up straight. "Come here.”
Logan jumps down and throws herself in my lap. She looks down at my hand to see the lollipop, which is just a stick now, and pouts. "You were supposed to hold that for me, not eat it, asshole.”
Tossing the stick on the table, I grab her hips and turn her so that her body is straddling me. Her eyes go wide as her core settles against my hardness. I bring my hand to her face and brush a strand of hair out of her eyes.
"Finders keepers, pretty girl,” I say and crush her lips against mine.
Logan’s hands run up my chest until she gets to my neck and threads her fingers in my hair. She rocks her hips against me, and her head falls back as her pussy rubs against my jeans.
She moans my name and grinds her hips harder against my dick. Her kisses turn animalistic, and she hops off my lap. Her face is flush, and I stare up at her, imagining all the ways I’m going to fuck this girl into oblivion.