Page 25 of Accepting Fate
If my day off is sometime this week I will have to make up some excuse because I need more time to mentally prepare myself for this date or drinks or whatever the hell this is.
I feel safe behind my phone right now and that’s how I need to keep it until I work up the courage to see him again.
I put my phone back on the counter and start trying to figure out how to tell Harper what the hell happened. She is going to launch into a whole “I told you so” speech and I need a moment to fully comprehend my feelings about this Grayson situation before I open the floor up to my opinionated best friend.Maybe I should call Allie first and see what she thinks.
Jeez. I’ve known of this man’s existence for less than two days and he’s already threatening to mess up my independent, protective, hide-in-the-shadows lifestyle.
Allie texted saying she was working so I quit dragging my feet and called Harper. Her reaction was exactly what I predicted. All I got out of our forty-five-minute conversation was that I should, in her words, “climb that giant like a damn pole.” For someone who was so against me moving into the woods, she seems to be on team mountain man. I can’t wait until she understands that she is basically pushing me into the arms of a man that has the potential to keep me in this small town she claims is just a phase.
The rest of the night is quiet. After a few hours of being curled up on the couch watching crappy reality tv and reading, I start my nighttime routine. It is a little overkill, but I can never let my guard down because the moment I do, I know something bad will happen.
I go around the entire downstairs and ensure all the windows and doors are locked. The curtains are already closed because as soon as the sun sets, I shut them. I place the front door stop in place and do the same to the sliding glass doors in the back of the house. Before making my way up the stairs to the loft, I recheck everything twice and take pictures of the locked doors on my phone. I know it’s overkill but ever since I ran away from my home in New York, I never want to leave myself vulnerable in case he decides to make an appearance in my life.
After checking the locks on the windows upstairs, brushing my teeth, and taking out my contacts, I strip down to just my t-shirt and underwear and flop onto the bed. I reach over to plug my phone in when it lights up with a notification.
Grayson: Hope you had a good rest of your day. I know you said this wasn’t your first tattoo but make sure you don’t get the Saniderm super wet. If you need anything just stop by the shop or call me anytime.
I snuggle up under the covers and type my reply.
Logan: Thanks for the concern, old man. But I know not to go jumping in toilets until it’s healed. Didn’t expect someone that looks like you to be so caring and attentive.
Grayson: Damn Angel. There’s a lot to unpack with that text. But first someone like me? What are you insinuating?
Logan: Yeah. Someone that looks like you and acts like you doesn’t seem like the overly caring and chatty type…
Grayson: I still don’t know what you’re getting at but I’m going to tell myself this is your version of saying you think I’m hot. In that case thank you Angel.
I want to roll my eyes, but this dude is so damn smooth I’m actually impressed.
Logan: Woah. Pump the brakes big guy. You probably have plenty of ladies and/or gents throwing themselves at you every day. You must be used to this by now in your years.
Grayson: All I’m gathering from this conversation is that you think I’m attractive and old.
Logan: Grayson. You don’t look the way you do and not know you’re attractive. I may be a little awkward sometimes but I’m not blind either. And yes. You are old.
Grayson: Damn pretty girl you’re really boosting my ego. And I’m not fucking old. I’m 28.
Twenty-eight?! There is absolutely no way this man is only two years older than me.
It has to be the facial hair. Maybe underneath that shield he has a baby face, which I’m dying to see now.
I really like the beard though. I wonder how his beard would feel between…
Nope! Not going there right now.
And pretty girl? This man is going to have me melting in his damn hands by the time we meet for drinks if he keeps this up.
Logan: I will need to see proof of that the next time I see you because there is no way in hell you are only two years older than me.
Grayson: That just means you’ll have to see me again so I can prove it to you.
Logan: Who said I wasn’t going to see you again? We made plans for a date.
Grayson: No one. But I can tell you’re the type of girl that doesn’t back down and likes to prove a point. This age situation gives you more incentive to see me again. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
I want to argue but he’s right. How the hell does this guy read me like a damn book so easily and we barely know each other.
Logan: Wow. You just keep pumping up that ego big guy. I need to go to bed now. Try not to charm the pants off too many ladies. Night.