Page 52 of Accepting Fate
Shaking her head, Logan is quiet while she stares out at the trees behind the Jeep. Her shoulders rise as she takes a deep breath and then looks up at me with her big green eyes. She looks drained again and I want to kick myself, knowing I’m the cause of her stress.
Running her hand down her ponytail, “Give me a few days to think about it.”
That’s woman code for never seeing someone again and she’s not getting rid of me that easily.
“Yes. I need to think. I’m not saying no to whatever this is, but I need time to think. I work for the next six days straight. Just give me some time, okay?”
Reaching forward, I take the backpack off her shoulder and put it in the backseat of her Jeep.
I open her door and she gets in then flashes me a small smile.
“I’m giving you a few days, Angel. But no more than that. I told you once and I’ll tell you again. You’re mine.”
Shutting the door, I signal for her to roll down her window. She turns the car on and does.
I lean my arms on the open window. “Can I make a small request?" I ask.
“Depends on the request,” she counters.
There’s my girl.
“I won’t show up here as long as you text me when you get to work, when you leave, when you get home, and when you go to bed.”
“Grayson–” she objects but I cut her off.
“It’s either this or I show up here every day. It’s your choice, Angel.”
Giving in, she sighs and says, “Fine. I’ll text you.”
“Good choice, Angel. Now get out of here before you’re late.”
I lean forward into the car and kiss her forehead then step back, giving her room to back up.
“Bye, Angel. Have a good day at work. Try not to be too sassy to people, they won’t think it’s as cute as I do.”
Rolling her eyes, she shakes her head. “Bye, Bear.”
She backs up and heads down the driveway.
I have some work to do, but I’ll get her. And she knows it too.
Chapter Sixteen
Sittinginmycar,I stare at the front doors of the emergency room and dread going in. Normally, despite my extreme exhaustion, I always get a rush of excitement when I come to work. Every night is different and unpredictable. You never know what will walk through those doors and that adds to my anticipation. It’s like not knowing what the plot twist is in a book. In every other aspect of my life, I’m terrified of the unknown but when it comes to work, I love it.
Today, however, all I want to do is turn my car around and drive straight to Grayson. Which is bullshit because I’m supposed to be mad at him.
I waited for him all night and told myself that it was a sign that I wasn’t supposed to be with the gorgeous caveman. But I should have known that he wasn’t going to give up that easily.
Waking up to his texts and calls, I knew I was in for a battle. My anxiety spiked when he told me he was on his way. I want to say I’m surprised he actually showed up but I’m not. I’m just happy he waited for the sun to come up or I would have gone into full blown panic mode.
The minute I saw him sitting in his truck, I wanted to give in. I wanted to run into his arms and feel the safety and comfort I only get when I’m around him. Which is insane since we have only been around each other in person a few times.
I tried my hardest to look like I didn’t give a fuck, but I knew he could see right through it. I refuse to give him the knowledge that with just one look or small touch, he could convince me to do whatever he wanted.