Page 73 of Accepting Fate
The entire day, I was wishing Harper was there because I knew she would love him. I even told Noah about her, and he insisted we do our next girls’ night out at The Handle so he can join. Noah comes off as flirty but sitting there getting to know him, I realized he’s just a more hyper and louder version of Grayson.
Around eight, I started feeling the effects of alcohol and greasy food. I think Grayson was, too, because he was falling asleep while we were watching some action movie with Noah.
We came back to my place and passed out on the couch before we got through one episode of Friends. Both of us were too tired to get up so we slept on the couch. Which, now that I’m thinking about it, makes the second time Grayson has slept over, both times never making it up to my bed. Luckily, the couch and Grayson are comfortable or all the therapy the hot tub did on my back would have been for nothing.
The sun peeks through the top of the window creating a golden glow throughout the downstairs. I look at a very sleepy Grayson. I can already tell I’m going to be addicted to sleeping on his chest. For someone who has muscles on top of muscles, the man is pretty comfortable. Luckily, this time he is towards the back of the couch, so I don’t have to jump over the back again.
Before getting up, I take a moment to study his tattoos again. The only thing I can come up with is that Grayson and I may not be as different as I thought. I hope one day he will be comfortable telling me what they mean. I just need to prove to him and myself that I won’t run away scared again.
Getting up, I go in search of my phone and find it on the kitchen counter. I have a few texts from Harper and one from Noah. He insisted we exchange numbers in case I couldn’t get a hold of Grayson and needed something. It was sweet, but I think it’s because he wants to ask me more silly medical questions.
I quickly text Harper back, giving her a cliff notes version of yesterday and make my way to the back porch. It’s a little chilly but it’s a beautiful day for a hike.
Sitting down on one of the chairs, I pull the sleeves of Grayson’s sweatshirt down to cover my arms and click Allie’s contact. She might be sleeping but I don’t care. We keep missing each other and I miss her sweet voice. Plus, it’s getting to be that time of year when we need to decide on the summer theme for the t-shirt exchange. But most of all, I want to pick her brain about what’s going on with Grayson.
I think she isn’t going to pick up but on the last ring, her quiet voice comes through the phone. “Hey Lo.”
“Hey, stranger. Did I wake you?”
In the background, I hear a deep voice say something. Hmm. Does Allie have a boyfriend? The last time we spoke, I didn’t get a hint she had someone.
“Umm, no,” she mutters, sounding distracted. “Sorry, I was bringing in groceries and my neighbor was helping me with the water.”
“Oh, okay. I can let you go if you’re busy,” I say, trying to keep the disappointment out of my voice.
“No,” she says loudly. “Sorry. I always have time for you. It’s been forever.”
She’s acting off, but it could be because she’s tired or had a rough patient.
“I know,” I quickly agree.“I’m sorry, work has been crazy.”
“Yeah, same.”
We fall into our normal catch-up sessions. She tells me about all the cute kiddos she treated recently and how one even threw up all over the doctor that she has hated for years.
I miss this girl so much. Unbeknownst to her, she helped me out of the dark place I was in after losing my mom. I don’t know if I would have made it here without Allie and her parents taking me in.
Which reminds me – I need to call them too, but I think they are still on that crazy long cruise Allie mentioned last time we talked.
We decide on rainbows for this summer and our birthday t-shirt theme. Our birthdays are exactly one month apart so we combined them over the years. We started adding themes when we accidentally kept buying each other the same shirts. Now we have themes and a unique item the other has to include. For Allie, I have to find something with rainbows and a flying dog. For me, Allie has to find something with rainbows and a dragon. The themes never make sense but that adds to the fun.
“So, I have to tell you something,” I say to her, figuring I should dive in already.
“Okay, what is it?”
“I met someone.” My voice is a whisper, in case Grayson has woken up. Not that he can hear me through the closed door, but I feel like I need to since he’s right there.
“Oh. Wow.” She sounds surprised and I don’t blame her. We have never had this type of conversation from my side before. Allie has had plenty of relationships throughout the years, but I was never able to give more than a listening ear to her boy troubles. “That’s great, Lo. Who’s the guy?”
I give her the short version, leaving out all my freak-out moments. Allie still doesn’t know about my past and I’m not about to tell her when Grayson is here.
“I really really like him, Al. He makes me feel safe and loved. I have never met someone like him before. I know it’s early, but I really think he may be it.”
She’s quiet for a while, which isn’t what I expected. I thought she was going to be happy for me. Between her and Harper, I thought they were going to ship me off on some singles cruise if I didn’t have a boyfriend in the next year. Which is stupid because we are only twenty-six.
“Wow, Lo,” she says again. It sounds almost forced and that she’s fighting tears or anger. “That’s great. I’m really happy for you.”
“Allie? Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?” I ask, really starting to get worried.