Page 120 of Forgiving Fate
My head snaps up from my lap at his words. “Dad. Allie is a friend, but I won’t lie to you and say I don’t want her to be more.”
“That girl is more than a friend, Landon.”
My brows furrow. “How do you know? You have never met Allie or seen us in the same room together.”
Dad chuckles. “Son. You don’t drop everything for a friend. You don’t let them know the deepest, darkest pieces of your soul. You do not get stabbed and act as if it was a scratch. You do not offer your home as a storage facility for her childhood memories. You certainly do not look like your world is ending at the idea of losing someone that is just a friend. That girl came into your life broken and dark at a time when you were also broken and dark, but together you helped each other see that life may be better inthe light. I know you see it and I can imagine she does too. You worked hard to better yourself and so did she, so stop punishing yourself for things out of your control and allow yourself to find the light shining bright inside of you that is clearly pointing to each other.”
I avoid his gaze and look out at the fog-covered mountains.
He is right. I know he is. Allie is my light in a world that used to be pitch black. Our time apart has done nothing but make that invisible string tethering us together stronger and stronger. I may not know the future, but if what I feel in my heart and soul is true, I know she will be the light that I never knew I was searching for.
Glancing back at Dad, I see his smile grow wide. “You’re right.”
“I know I am. Now let’s get back on the road before your mother gets mad at me for making you late to your own homecoming party.” He shifts the car into drive and looks at me. “Shit. Act surprised.”
Chuckling, I shake my head as the excitement to see my best friend grows by the minute.
Chapter Forty-Four
“It’s so good tofinally meet you, Allie. I’ve heard so much about you.”
Shelly wraps me in a hug the moment I step into what I know as the infamous Hideout.
“You too. Thank you for letting me come and help celebrate Landon.”
Shelly pulls away and levels her light blue gaze with mine. “Oh sweetie, I would have my ass kicked seven ways to Sunday if you weren’t here. My son may not say much or reveal many secrets, but I know with certainty that if I didn’t invite his best friend to his homecoming party, I would be in some serious trouble.”
“Hey! I’m his best friend!” We all turn to see Noah walking inside, carrying a handful of waters. He moves quickly and sets the case on the counter before turning to me, a big smile on his face.
“Hi Allie! Welcome to the chaos! Can I give you a hug?”
My eyes go wide at his excited energy and Shelly whispers in my ear, “Sorry. He’s like a golden retriever. He gets excited easilyand loves meeting new people. It’s better just to accept his love and go along for the ride.”
I chuckle and nod towards Noah. Seconds later, he wraps me in a hug.
“Why are all these Hayes men so damn tall?” I say as Noah pulls away from me.
Seriously, these men are gigantic.
Shelly pats me on the back before moving back to the stovetop to finish cooking.
“I like to think it’s because there are four of them and the universe wanted to save my sanity and make them all similar heights, so no one was picking on the little one.”
We all chuckle as the door opens again and Harper, Gray, Wes, and Lainey all walk in.
A feeling of panic starts to rise in my chest. I went from being around only Landon for months, to a rehab center with only a few women in my constant circle, to just Logan, then Logan and Grayson when he came home last night. Now I am in a room full of people I barely know, waiting for a man I am so anxious to see.
Logan must sense something, because she sidles up to me and bumps my shoulder, giving me a sympathetic look. “I know that look. It’s a lot and I’m sorry. I planned on integrating you slowly, but Landon coming home kinda fast tracked everything. I promise they will understand if you need to step outside and take a breather. But just know you are safe here and I will be by your side all day, I promise.”
Taking a deep breath, I nod and lean into her. “Thanks Lo. Sorry, I think it’s the nerves that are starting to get to me. Crowds are never an issue, but I guess today mixed with seeing him for the first time is a little harder than I expected.”
“Don’t apologize. Your feelings are absolutely valid. Anyone here would feel the same way. Hell, the first time I met Noah, Iwas in a bikini and had a massive bruise on my back. Talk about embarrassing, but look at us now.”
I can’t help but laugh and relax a little. “I’m going to need the full story of that later, please.”
“You got it. Is it okay if I introduce you to the rest of the family, or do you need a moment?”