Page 121 of Forgiving Fate
“I’m good.” Leaning into her ear, I whisper, “Just don’t run off. I have worked my ass off the past few months, but today I will need all the support I can get.”
Logan flashes me a smile. “Consider yourself glued to me today.”
I shake my head and let Lo lead us over to everyone standing in the living room.
“Hey Allie,” Grayson says, before kissing Logan on top of the head and heading back outside.
He got home late last night from a mission and was exhausted. We didn’t have a ton of time to talk, but in the little we did, I can see why Logan fell for him. He is caring, attentive, and possibly a little obsessed with her.
“Al, this is Harper. The infamous, red-headed, pain in my ass.”
Harper tosses her long beautiful red hair over her shoulder and fake gasps, “You wound me, Lo. And to think you loved me.”
Logan shakes her head and Harper laughs. “Hi Allie. It’s good to finally meet you. It will be nice having another girl around. All this testosterone gets to be too much sometimes.”
Smiling, I say, “Nice to meet you too. Lo has told me so much about you over the year. Before everything went to hell, I always thought it would have been nice for y’all to come to Florida and take a break from the weather up here.”
Crossing her cream sweater covered arms over her chest, she sighs, “Count me in. Work has been hell and I am ready for a vacation.”
“Vacation? Can I come?” Lainey says, throwing her arm around Harper. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to eavesdrop. It’s great to see you again, Allie.”
“You too Lainey.”
Lainey smiles at me, still looking like a damn Disney princess.
I am just about to ask Lainey about work when someone taps me on the shoulder. Turning around, I am stunned for a moment to see that it’s Wes and holy shit. This man is intimidating.
His dark blues stare down at me. His face is unwavering, and he looks around the room as if he wants to be anywhere but here. But that can’t be. He is the one that facilitated all of Landon’s treatment and was the one who dragged him there. If anyone should be excited to see him more than myself or his parents, it should be him.
“Sorry. Rough night,” Wes apologizes, his face softening slightly. “Landon will be here in ten minutes and asked if you would wait outside for him. He is feeling overwhelmed and everyone rushing him would not be good.”
My heart feels like it is going to explode at the thought of being minutes away from seeing Landon again. Panic starts to rise in my chest and I feel like I’m going to pass out when Logan loops her arm through mine, whispering in my ear, “Breathe. You got this. He wouldn’t have asked to see you if he felt anything other than excited to see you.”
She’s right. Of course she is. Landon is always honest and doesn’t do anything unless he wants to.
Taking a deep breath, I turn my attention back to Wes and nod.
“Thank you.” Looking around me, he motions his head towards the upstairs. “Harper. May I speak to you, please?” As the words leave his mouth, he begins to walk away.
Harper scoffs. “Why? Landon is almost here. Can it wait?”
Wes’s steps falter, and he levels her with the scariest look I’ve ever seen. My head snaps to Harper, and she looks bored and annoyed.
“Now Harper Olivia.”
Harper throws her head back in annoyance and mutters something under her breath, but follows him.
Lainey, Logan, and I all look at each other, confusion written all over our faces. “Umm. What was that?” Lainey asks.
Shrugging her shoulders, Logan glances back up the stairs as a door shuts. “I have no idea, but I’m glad that I’m not the only one that noticed it.” Turning her attention to me, she spins me around and pushes me towards the door. “Out you go. You got this.”
Taking a deep breath, I square my shoulders and walk out the door.
I can do this. It’s just Landon. My best friend. I can do this.
A black truck pulls into the driveway and my heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest. I’ve been standing out here for five minutes, but it feels like hours.
Not sure where to look, I glance down at my feet until I hear doors close.