Page 113 of Sinful Betrayal
“You won’t be able to use that excuse for much longer. I know men know fuck all about women’s bodies, but I think even Anton knows that a period doesn’t last weeks.”
“It won’t get that far. I-I’ll tell him tonight one way or another.”
“So, he’s coming home to an ‘I love you’ and a baby? Big day for Anton.” Emma chuckles. “He’s going to be one smug daddy.”
“Can we not start with all the daddy jokes just yet?” I run my hands over my face. “I can’t even comprehend that a baby might actually be in my future?—”
I’m cut off as the door starts trying to open, but Emma hurries over to shoulder it shut again.
“Occupied!” Emma yells as someone starts banging on the door.
“There’s five stalls?—”
“I will personally tackle each and every one of you bitches that tries to come in here, so you better fuck off!”
I almost laugh as I imagine the terrified look on the face of whoever was trying to get past Emma, but it comes out as more of a sob.
“I can’t do this, Emma.” My pulse quickens as panic starts to set in.
Surely, the two minutes are nearly up?
“You are not alone, Nina.” Emma crosses over to me, placing her hands on my shoulders.
I stare into her crystal blue eyes and almost crumble as I realize how sincere she is.
“You’re a good friend.”
“I know you’d do the same for me.” She shrugs.
Emma’s phone buzzes, and we both freeze.
“I can’t look.” I cover my face with my hands as Emma reaches for her phone.
This is it.
There’s no going back now.
Emma picks up the stick, and I wait for a cry of joy, but it never comes.
Emma is deathly quiet, which only means one thing.
“It’s positive, isn’t it?” I peer through my fingers.
Emma bites her lip before showing me the stick with the two very prominent pink lines.
“I’m pregnant,” I whisper, dropping my hands to my side.
“Yeah…” Emma hands me the test.
“I’m pregnant.” I’m hoping that if I say the words enough times, it might actually start to sink in. “How did this happen?”
I perch on the edge of the counter.
“Well, I take it that you and Anton did the deed without a condom?”
“Yeah, but I’m on the pill. I thought I was covered…”
“But what?”