Page 114 of Sinful Betrayal
“I was taken to his house when I wasn’t expecting, and I think I might’ve missed a day. Besides, A few weeks back, I was sick. It was right after we slept together. Either of those could be the cause of this.”
“It’s like the universewantedyou to have a baby.”
My father sure did. But this is something I can’t bear to think about.
“So, how are we feeling about this?” Emma perches beside me on the counter.
“I have no idea. This is…a lot.”
I can’t tear my eyes away from the two pink lines. At this very moment, a tiny life is growing inside me that is part of Anton—the man who has turned my life upside down in the best way.
A tiny flutter of excitement sparks at the thought of telling him.
I saw the way his eyes lit up the other night as his cousins shared pictures of their own kids, and I know he’s desperate to have a family of his own.
“The way I see it is you have three options,” Emma pulls me out of my thoughts.
“Plan A is the happily ever after package with Anton where you move into his huge mansion, and you have tons of babies and grow old together surrounded by your pots of money and stunningly beautiful grandchildren.”
“That sounds like a fairytale.” I can picture it all so clearly, that life that I could have with Anton. One that would bring us both so much joy and happiness.
But that life is one built on a lie.
“Plan B is Anton fucks off, and this kid ends up being raised by four slightly unstable, completely broke dancers who will give this kid a raging alcohol problem and an eating disorder by the time it’s fourteen.”
“Fourteen? Seriously?”
“Comes with the territory.” Emma shrugs.
“And plan C?”
“Plan C is I make you an appointment, and we can pretend like this never happened. Anton never has to know.”
I shake my head.
“That’s not an option. I can’t do that to Anton. He…he has a right to know the truth.”
The weight of my deceit starts to settle on my chest once more.
“Perhaps… But it’s ultimately your decision, Nina. This is your life we’re talking about here. You’ve dreamed of being a ballerina since you were a child, and you’re so close to living that dream. Are you sure you’re ready to give that all up?”
“I-I have no idea. I’m so confused.”
“Well, whatever happens, you have me, Allie, and Bea. Your baby couldn’t ask for better godmothers. I know I don’t know Anton very well, but from what I do know, he seems legit, so I know he won’t be going anywhere too, whatever you decide.”
On one hand, the idea of having a baby with Anton sounds more like a dream than a nightmare. He would make the most wonderful father, and I know he would love this child unconditionally.
Our baby would have the life I always dreamed of, surrounded by love and family?—
I plan on slaughtering the child right in front of him.
I barely make it to the toilet in time before I vomit.
The truth is so much bigger than just me now. It could mean the difference between life and death. It might cost me Anton, but ultimately, he is the only one who can truly protect our baby from my father.
The choice has been made for me.