Page 14 of Sinful Betrayal
I can’t help but picture what state she might have been in if I hadn’t reached her in time.
I shrug out of my jacket and wrap it around her shoulders. It swamps her, but it’s better than nothing.
“We need to get out of here.” I reach for her, but she instantly recoils.
“You’re safe.” I hope that she can see the sincerity on my face.
She glances around again. “I-I need my clutch.”
I get to my feet and quickly search the floor, spotting the sequined bag by the head of the first guy I took out. I grab it and hurry back to Nina, offering her a hand.
She offers the two men one last wary glance before placing her cold hands in mine.
I gently lift her to her feet, giving her a moment to steady herself.
“We need to get out of here before they wake up.” I tuck the clutch into the pocket of my jacket.
Nina nods, tightening her hold on my hand.
“How good are you at running in heels?”
I practically drag Nina back towardEspionage.
Despite her heels, she does well to keep up as I navigate a path through the crowd, constantly checking over my shoulder to make sure we’re not being followed.
Despite the cold air, my body feels unbearably hot from the spike in adrenaline, and the running doesn’t help. But I don’t stop until we reachEspionage.
I glance down at Nina, and she’s barely out of breath. Her cheeks are flushed pink, and her bangs are a little windswept, but it’s good to see some color in her cheeks.
“Is everything ok?” Reid asks as we approach, eyeing the blood staining my hands.
Now is not the time to explain, I need to make sure she is safe and away from here. “Can you get my car sent round.”
Reid nods, turning his back on us as he speaks into his earpiece.
Nina squeezes my arm. “I don’t need a ride home; I can get a cab.”
I shake my head.
“I’m not giving you a ride home, Nina. You’re coming home with me.”
“I’m not taking no for an answer, Nina. Those men back there are dangerous. I can’t in good conscience send you back out into the city, alone.”
“My apartment is in a safe building with security.” Nina wraps her arms around herself.
“I don’t care. If these men want to find you, it’ll take a lot more than a doorman to stop them.”
“I can’t hide out at your place, Anton.”
“You can, and you will.”
“You can try and fight me all you want on this, Nina, but you’re going to lose.”
She narrows her eyes, her mouth turned down in a scowl.