Page 15 of Sinful Betrayal
If the circumstances were different, I’d tell her how fucking adorable she looks when she’s annoyed.
She huffs. “Fine, I’ll stay at yours tonight.”
“No, that’s not the deal.”
“Excuse me?”
“Until we figure out who was behind this attack, I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
This night is turningout even better than I predicted. Not only did I have Anton Koslov practically drooling at my feet, but now I’ve managed to score myself an all-access pass to his house upstate without having to throw sex in the mix.
I make a mental note to send the two men who attacked me a well-deserved bonus.
It’s likely my father won’t be pleased to learn that I’ve put two of his men out of commission for the foreseeable future, but I’m hoping it’s worth it.
I wait patiently beside Anton as a valet brings his steel gray McLaren GTS around.
Even after just taking out two men, he still remembers to tip his staff.
I have to say, the guy has some attractive qualities. Just not enough to make up for the not so attractive ones.
The blood currently staining his hands reminds me all too well of who he truly is underneath all the wealth and charm.
All eyes turn in our direction as the engine roars, but Anton only has eyes for me.
I can tell he’s concerned I’m about to shatter into a million pieces, and I feel a little anxious that I acted a little too calm. Playing a damsel in distress doesn’t come easily.
Growing up in my world, I had to learn to take care of myself. I only hope that I haven’t just cost myself a chance at Anton’s trust.
Perhaps once we’re alone in the car, I’ll let my walls down just enough to let him think I’m going to break. It seems he enjoys playing the hero, considering how fast he came to my rescue.
I took a chance that he would follow me outside, and it paid off.
What I wasn’t expecting was him to insist on taking me back to his place to protect me. I must say, it’s an unexpected bonus, and one I plan on taking full advantage of.
Anton opens the passenger door for me and helps me into the car. It’s very low to the ground, but his jacket stops me from flashing too much skin to all of the curious bystanders.
I buckle myself in and watch him as he walks around the car and climbs behind the wheel.
Other than the blood on his hands, he’s still immaculate, with barely a hair out of place.
Watching him take out two men with his bare hands was like watching a violent ballet. He moved his body effortlessly, and it’s clear that he’s put years of training into honing his skills.
I have to say I’m impressed, and a little aroused. Being wrapped in his jacket doesn’t help. I inhale the earthy scent mixed with alcohol and sweat.
It’s intoxicating, and I want to bathe in the scent all night.
“Ready?” Anton snaps me back to the present.
I nod, offering him a small smile. His eyes search my face for a moment before he turns on the engine and pulls away from the curb.
We’re silent the entire drive out of the city.
Anton is likely lost in his own thoughts, trying to work out who the two guys work for. Knowing him, he’ll trace them back to my father before the sun rises. I just hope that’s as far as the connection goes.