Page 41 of The Risk
“Okay, Daddy. Take care of my Chantal. Don’t give her any sugar stuff. Me and Ryan are going to watch movies. Aunt Gia is going to make us candy popcorn. After he takes a nap.”
“He’ll be fine.” Giavonna’s eyes narrowed when she looked at Gene. “As for you… you’d better be good. Or I’ll clobber you myself. Got me?”
Well, Giavonna could be a bit scary sometimes. When she wasn’t hiding, anyway. He put his kid on the couch, then leaned over the rocking chair where his sister sat. He saw the surprise in her big eyes. He kissed her on the forehead next. “I love you just the way you are. Whether you are a witch or demon or not.”
“Go. Have fun. I have everything handled here tonight. And if I don’t… well, Mom is right here. We’ll be fine.”
“Of course you will. You’re a Hiller. You can handle anything.”
But Gene didn’t miss the uncertainty and fear in his little sister’s eyes. And that’s when he knew for sure—something was going on with Giavonna.
He was going to get to the bottom of it. As soon as he possibly could. He wasn’t going to sit back and watch one of the women he cared about be afraid.
Not for even a moment.
Not if there was something he could do to fix it.
Gene Hillerall cleaned up was a sight a woman just couldn’t miss. Chantal’s stomach tightened when the beautiful, beautiful man stepped up on her parents’ porch. Her father was already out there, in his favorite rocking chair, watching the sun prepare to set. Gene stopped and took the chair next to his. He and her father had always gotten along well.
“Are you sure of this change, sweetie?” her mother asked from right next to her. “He seems like he’s rather determined where you are concerned. Rather possessive, too. Moving a bit… quickly. And I know things haven’t been easy between you two for the last several years or so.”
“I’m sure. We’ve talked about that. About why he acted that way. How he was hurting.”
“Yes. I suspect that was at the root of it. Just like with that Charlie of ours. Before our Rory came along to set him straight.” Her mother hugged her gently for a moment. “He’s a beautiful man, Gene Hiller. And you will make beautiful babies together. I can only live in hope.”
“I don’t know that we are at that point yet, Mom. We’re still figuring out everything else.” Chantal’s cheeks flamed when her mother gave her a knowing look.
“I know where you most likely spent the night. And I suspect I know what you were doing. A mother knows. And truth be told, I may or may not have seduced your father a time or ten before he captured me for good, too.”
“And got you out of jail, and all?” Her mother had had more of a wild streak than any of her three children had ever exhibited. No denying that.
“Something like that. Enjoy yourself with that young man tonight. Capture him, please. So Calvin can be my grandson for real. Not that he basically isn’t, considering… but I believe the boy wants a brother or sister soon.”
“If I can. I don’t know if I can even have children, Mom.”
“Sweetie, that question is something every couple faces at first. If you do, it’s meant. If you don’t… well… years down the road when Calvin is around twelve or so, a sibling will just show up out of nowhere, practically. Six years later, a baby sister shows up, too. Just in time to shock a husband and a grown son, too. Trust me. I’m pretty certain that’s exactly how it works.”
Her mother had always been snarky. That was one of the things Chantal had always loved about her. Her mom was… better… about Chantal’s diagnosis now. She hadn’t fully understood how Chantal’s pump and monitor worked, but knowing Chantal had them constantly had eased some of her fears.
She had already threatened to ground Chantal until Chantal was fifty for hiding it from her. But she had understood Chantal’s reasoning. Everything had hurt so much after they’d lost Charlie’s son. But they were starting to really heal now.
There had been a lot of healing that had been needed lately.
But for now…
Gene was pulling open the screen door. His eyes met hers. “Hi, honey. You ready?”
“I think I am.” It wasn’t just for dinner.
It was for… Gene.
For trusting him.
Because Chantal knew that was exactly what she did.
Shetrustedthis man. No matter what.