Page 42 of The Risk
Mamaw’s Place,a little diner on Seventeenth Street in Finley Creek, was usually a busy place. Tonight was no exception. Gene helped Chantal out of his truck, letting his woman slide down his body just enough to tease the both of them. He liked being able to put his hands on her whenever he wanted now.
He held her hand as they walked in. People they knew were inside; and they weren’t stupid. George and Ronnie were there, with those four devil daughters of theirs. Gene scooped Mari Lynn, his brother’s youngest—for now—up and kissed her on her little forehead. She was her mama in miniature. They all were. Carbon copies of Ronnie through and through.
For a brief moment, he wondered if he and Chantal ever had a baby together, if that baby would look like her. He’d like that. Redheaded girl children running around. Darker-haired boy children, too.
Maybe someday. He’d have to talk to Guthrie. See how pregnancy affected women with diabetes. His brother would know. Ronnie and George were over by a far table where another family had just settled. Ronnie’s brother Murdoch and hisseriously hot new wife, and their two kids—miniature versions of Murdoch’s wife, both of them.
Gene watched them for a moment.
Yeah, he wouldn’t mind two or three more kids. Even if Chantal couldn’t have them, they could talk adoption. That was a real possibility, too.
A family with Chantal was exactly what he wanted. No matter how they made that happen.
Chantal’s niece and sister-in-law were right there, too. Charlie’s new babies were in their arms. Chantal was across the room in a heartbeat.
Gene just watched her.
Apparently, George was watching him. Gene’s older brother laughed and slung an arm around Gene’s shoulders. “I recognize that look. Never thought you’d look in that woman’s direction, though.”
“Things change. My eyes were recently opened.” She had her nephew in her arms now. So beautiful. “Or I got my head out of my ass or something. I’ve always been a slow learner.”
He wanted what George had. He wanted a woman to look at him exactly like Ronnie was looking at his goober of an older brother. “I’m actually on a date here. But there are too many little Hillers and Fieldses in here now distracting us. Get your kids out of here. They are killing my making-romance mood.”
He kissed Mari Lynn again, making his youngest niece giggle. She was so much tinier than Calvin.
“We’re heading home. We’re bringing the girls out tomorrow, by the way. I’m taking my woman to St. Louis to see her brother Cam before she gets to that ‘I’m not moving ever again’ stage and can’t make it up there.”
“I remember. Gia’s there at home, now. With Hudson.”
“Yikes. I’m sure that’s going well.”
“He’s doped up on the pain pills. I think she’s taking it easy on him. She feels sorry for him.” Hudson and Giavonna would probably shoot sparks off each other forever. Those two would never get along.
Of course, people used to say the same about him and Chantal.
That was something he hadn’t considered. Maybe… he needed to look at what was going on between Giavonna and Hudson a little closer, actually. Figure out the reason for the fire.
“Something’s going on with her. I just can’t get her to talk to me yet,” George said. George and Giavonna were close. Eventually, Gene suspected his sister would go into private practice with George and leave the county attorney’s office—and Hudson—behind. “I’m worried.”
“Yeah. Had the same thought myself tonight. We’ll gang up on her when we can tomorrow.”
“We’ll do that. Enjoy yourself tonight. Chantal’s probably too good for you, you know. Treat her right—or I’ll help Chad and Charlie kick your ass.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard it before.”
Then his brother and Ronnie and their kids, and her brother Murdoch, his wife, and kids were gone—back to their own tables, out of his hair. Chantal was telling her sister-in-law and niece goodbye. Kissing the babies and cuddling them close.
Then he had his date to himself.
He was a doomed man now.Rob knew it. It was probably the last time he was ever going to get to visit his favorite diner. The last time he was going to have a weekend as a free man.