Page 47 of The Hunt
AndFields. He wanted to make that arrogant cocksucker pay. For everything he had taken from Doug. Everything.
Including Genny.
He wrapped his free hand in the light teal scrub top, dotted with baby lambs and ducks of all things, and pulled the woman he would have given everything to up on her feet.
Doug almost missed the knee she aimed at his groin.
It had him slashing out again.
With the scissors still in his hand.
He saw the blood. And he just didn’t give a damn.
Terror had her freezing.Right where she was. The pain almost didn’t register. People were screaming. Her friends—Hadassa and Chloe, behind the intake desk.
She heard someone bellow her name. It sounded like one of her brothers. Guthrie and Gunn were both around the ED now.
Her brothers were nearby.
And Chad. Chad was going to be there soon.
Aubrey was beside her. They were both trying to get away. But he had them cornered. Aubrey grabbed her. Tried to put Genny behind her, somehow.
But Hodges lashed out. With his fist. And sent Aubrey sprawling almost five feet away.
Aubrey’s head slammed into the desk with an audible crack.
Genny screamed; she tried to roll to her side. To crawl away, to pull his attention away from Aubrey somehow.
Dr. Hodges almost yanked her from the floor. Genny kicked him.
Aubrey kicked him.
He reached out and shoved Aubrey back down with one foot. He was big. Bigger than Chad. Bigger than her brothers. Almost as big as Caine, who was six-six or so and massive.
Genny just kept fighting. Until fire shot straight through her shoulder. She screamed.
She heard people yelling.
More fire. Lots more fire.
She looked down.
And saw the scissors sticking out of her shoulder. As she fell to her knees. Aubrey’s arms were all that caught her before she crashed into the floor.
There was movement. Right there.
A roar. Doug Hodges went slamming to the floor.
Chad. It was Chad. Of course it was Chad. Of course it was. Because he loved her. She knew he did. He hadn’t had to tell her, she just knew he did. “Chad…”
Chad’s fists were flying. Both men were grappling. Right there in front of her. Genny tried to watch. She did. But she just hurt too much. “Chad…”