Page 48 of The Hunt
Guthrie was there. Her brother. Her big brother was looking at her. “Hold still, Genesis. Just hold still.”
She looked into his beautiful eyes. All of her brothers and sisters were so beautiful. She had always thought so. Gunn was there, too. Holding her hand. She’d forgotten Gunn was there tonight, too. Her brothers—she loved them all so much. “I’m not exactly up for playing shortstop now. Aubs…how badly did he hurt Aubrey? She’s bleeding. And he hit her really hard.”
“I know. I tried to get to you before he hurt you, but I was too far away. I’m sorry. So sorry, kid.” He shot a look toward Aubrey. “Aubrey’s going to be okay, too. I promise. Let’s get you both taken care of.”
“I’m here, Guthrie. You be ready to help me lift her.”
It was Caine now. Genny looked at the captain of their ship. “I don’t feel so great.”
That was the last thought Genny remembered before darkness won. Of course it did. Darkness always won in these types of situations—Genny just knew it. Even though she tried to fight it.
But… “I want Chad. Where is Ch?—”
It was the last thought she had for a really long time.
Genny was finally catchingher breath, after she’d defeated the darkness for a moment or two. Her arm stung, her collarbone. But… she was going to be okay. For a minute there, she wasn’t certain that was going to be the case. But she’d be okay. Probably tomorrow even.
Just not right now.
Aubrey was pulled away. Aubrey needed help herself. Caine was there to take over for Aubrey with Genny instead.
Genny just looked up into his far-too-handsome face. He had that reassuring, everything-will-be-okay, kind of thing about him. Even though he was built like a Hummer and could be kind of growly and intimidating when he was angry.
“I’m okay. I think.”
“You will be. I’m sorry this happened.” He went to work. Genny tried not to watch what Caine was doing, though logically she knew exactly what it was he was doing.
She just wished he wasn’t doing it to her right now, thank you very much.
Caine was prepping her to move up to Surgical, she knew that. Caine and Hadassa were taping the scissors in place sothey could remove them in the operating room and sew her back together again. Without doing more damage to her on the way up. So blood didn’t get everywhere.
She hated when blood got everywhere.
It was just so messy.
She was only vaguely aware of just where her brain was going right at the moment. She looked around.
Chad…Chadwas somewhere. She wanted to see him.
Genny refused to look at the scissors impaling her right now.
“I don’t know what happened, or what exactly was going on,” Caine said.
“Not much to go on, really, boss. Hodges… he… hates Chad. I didn’t realize how much until he thought I was telling him no just so I could be with Chad. Where is Chad? He thought Chad and I were involved. Knew we are, actually. It made him really angry. And he wanted Chad to pay for something… It’s rather a simple story… I think… where’s Chad?” They’d yanked him off of Dr. Hodges, and then Chad had just been gone. Genny’s head was swimming now. She looked over. “Where’s Chad? He should be here. Dr. Hodges didn’t hurt him? Is Chad okay?”
She tried to sit up. Caine nudged her back down gently and gave her a look, while Chloe kept working on getting an IV in place.
It would keep the fluids up, until they could give her a transfusion, if needed. That meant… “AB+, by the way. Make sure I get the right flavor fruit punch when I get upstairs, okay, boss?”
“It may be a simple story, but it shouldn’t have happened. We’ll get you upstairs and taken care of soon.” Caine… really was a good boss. She’d keep him. Well, not like his Nikkie Jean kept him, but… as a boss, anyway. Genny… was going to keep Chad. As soon as she could find him, anyway.
She really… wanted Chad right now.
“Where’s Chad? Did I already ask that?” She wouldn’t admit it, but the idea of anesthesia still scared her. Being that out of control. And… She knew the risks of any procedure. “I have things I want to say to Chad. Before I go… under…”
Caine looked down at her, from those dark eyes of his. So reassuring, the captain of her hospital. It helped keep Genny from freaking, anyway.