Page 68 of Chasing Sunsets
“Three, two, one.”
“The results are in.” A radiant smile on her face, Gemini raised her glass. “I’d like to thank everyone who makes this show possible, from the competitors to the cleaning crew. None of this would happen without each of you. When I approached the producers with the idea of having split couples race, I feared they wouldn’t allow it. My own separation and reunion with my husband, Piers...” She glanced at him. “Compelled me to try. If we hadn’t been in a hospital waiting for news on a mutual friend who’d been in a car accident, we might never have worked through our problems. How tragic that would’ve been.”
Piers leaned down and kissed her.
Sadie moved closer to Zack, and he put his arms around her.
Gemini smiled. “The producers agreed to the premise as long as we found people willing to participate. So, to those who sent us the names of everyone here, thank you.”
A round of cheers went up.
She held up her glass. “Whether you get back together or decide to part permanently, I wish you happiness.”
“To happiness.” Everyone toasted.
Gemini motioned to the young man holding the envelope. He hurried toward her, and she handed him her glass and took the results. “Without further ado...” She tore open the envelope and read, “This year we have the closest results ever with three teams only ten minutes apart. The couple with the fastest time is ... Ted and Doreen.”
Cheers erupted.
“Love is old, love is new, love is all, love is you.” ~ The Beatles
Chapter Twenty
Once filming ended, the contestants boarded a bus, rode to a golf resort hotel, and assembled in the ballroom. Round tables outfitted in blue linen were set up with china plates, crystal glasses, and colorful, flower centerpieces. Waiters walked around with trays serving hors d’oeuvres and drinks. They all mingled for a while until they were asked to sit for dinner. Sadie and Zack sat at a table with Kelly and Brett. Zack considered it fitting since they’d been roommates and eaten meals together.
Courses of soup, salad, steaks, seafood, and chicken came from the kitchen one after another. Many people gave speeches while everyone ate. They were reminded at least five times about the binding, legal document they signed before the race agreeing not to reveal the winners before all the episodes of the show aired.
Zack’s attention returned to Sadie often. He couldn’t wait to be alone with her—without cameras looking on, without microphones listening, and without interruptions. She’d surprised him when she chose to speak of Dylan. At first, he didn’t want her to, it would be hard to hear, but then he realized it would help her heal to talk about it. Well, helpthemheal.
He was no longer worried about their debt. They’d eventually pay it off.
“One last thing before we release you for the night,” Jessie said from the podium. “The person or persons who entered your names for this season, if they aren’t here, are expecting to talk to you. We have computers set up around the room, so find your name and get there by nine. Also, you’ll find your backpacks in the hallway when you leave and accommodations for the night.”
Everyone exchanged phone numbers and hugged.