Page 69 of Chasing Sunsets
He turned toward Truman.
“I just want to apologize. I never dreamed you’d been through anything so...” Truman swallowed, clearly unsure what to say and maybe a little uncertain his voice would be steady.
“It’s okay, man. You were doing your job. No hard feelings.”
“What about Rhianna?” Zack asked.
“We have plans to see each other this coming week.”
“So you’re on your way to San Antonio?”
Truman grinned. “I can’t get there fast enough.”
“Maybe I’ll be seeing you around when we’re in San Antonio or Rhianna comes to Katy.”
“I hope so.” The younger guy held out his hand. “I better go. It’s almost nine.”
Zack shook his hand and slapped his back.
“One minute,” Jessie warned.
Sadie hurried over to Zack and slid her hand into his. They rushed around until they found their table and sat in front of the computer.
Their three friends waited in a chatroom. Sadie turned to Zack and kissed him.
“Yay,” came over the speaker like a chorus.
He smiled.
“Kasey?” Sadie pointed at his box on the screen. “You did this, didn’t you?”
His friend defensively held his hands out in front of him. “Me?”
“Don’t play innocent. Hunter Kase is on the same network as Chasing Sunset.”
“We just thought you two could use some time together.”
“You were right,” she agreed. “You’ll have to come with me to apologize to my mom though. I accused her of setting this up.”
He crossed his arms. “She knew about it.”
“Of course, she did.” Sadie smirked. “Cally, you’ve done so much for me, letting me live with you—if drinking myself into a stupor every night can be described as living—and for putting up with my ugliness.”
Cally waved as if dismissing the comment. “You’ve seen and endured my ugly. It’s only fair I do the same.”
“Just a minute!” Kasey yelled to someone off-screen. “Sorry, guys, I gotta go. Lilly’s ready to shoot.” Lilly was the director of his television series and his girlfriend.
“I need to jump off too,” Dre said.
“And I have a date.” Cally stood up and spun around. “How do I look?”
“Good,” “Hot,” “Lovely,” “Fantastic,” and “Beautiful,” were her answers.
Relieved and happy, Sadie left the ballroom with Zack. Their backpacks waited in the hall under a sign taped to the wall. ONE PER PERSON FOR THE NIGHT’S ACCOMMODATIONS.