Page 54 of Chasing Sunrise
“Not in nature. I attended a Titanic exhibit at a museum with my parents. The exhibition displayed a block of ice, described as a glacier, much like what would’ve been in the water the night of the wreck. They invited us to put a hand on the ice to see how long we could keep it there. I lasted longer than my folks, but not very long at all.”
“I didn’t find it unbearably cold in Argentina. And I think the only reason Antarctica was so cold is because I stayed in the water too long.”
“For which that penguin thanks you.”
He smiled. That smile did things to her insides, made her feel warm and soft.
Ms. Bonnet served their food. Amanda glared at a chicken fried steak that covered the entire plate. Another plate held an order of curly fries. “I’ll never be able to eat all this.”
“We have to-go bags.” Ms. Bonnet winked before she sailed through the swinging door that led to the kitchen.
Fried to perfection, the steak was crunchy and meaty with white gravy on the side. She only ate a fourth of it and two fries before she was stuffed. “I’ll have food for a week.”
Kasey had eaten half of his food. “Marisol will finish this off.”
“You should’ve brought her.”
“She stayed at a friend’s house last night and hadn’t returned when I left.”
How wonderful Marisol had sleepover friends. A childhood longing yawned inside of Amanda.
The next week turnedinto a whirlwind.
Amanda and Kasey brought Marisol to the zoo on Sunday. He convinced the zoo administrator to let them accompany a zookeeper while she fed the monkeys. Although they couldn’t touch the primates, Marisol saw them up close. She excitedly spouted facts about each.
On Monday, he stopped by Amanda’s school carrying a box with salad and breadsticks they ate in her office. Once she made it home from school and changed into yoga pants and a t-shirt, her doorbell rang. She opened it to find Kasey holding a bag of Chinese food, and Edward by his side. Her first urge told her to put her arms around Kasey’s neck. Her second screamed for her to insist he leave.
She didn’t do either. She loved seeing him, being with him. He kept her entertained and showered her with attention.
But she needed stability. A man who would simply stay.
Not wanting him to sense the battle raging inside her, she smiled and opened the door wider.
When she got home from work on Tuesday, her grass had been mowed and there were fresh flowers planted between the bushes in her flowerbed. Mrs. G came out of her house and hurried over. “Kasey came at ten this morning with a mower, weed-eater, and blower. He’s a great guy.”
“Yes. He is.” As Amanda entered her house, she texted Kasey,Thanks for mowing my grass and planting the colorful flowers. What do I owe you?
Nothing. I needed something to do.An hour later, he arrived with a meat lover’s pizza, two decks of cards, and a cribbage board. She watched a video on the rules, and they played. At eight-thirty, he left saying he respected that she had to wake up early the next day.
Wednesday afternoon, when she arrived home, he stood in her yard with a sprayer in his hand.
“What are you doing?” She closed the door of her car.
“When I mowed yesterday, I saw you had ant beds. I’m treating them.”
“I wish you wouldn’t do that.”
“You’re welcome,” he returned sarcastically.
“Do you know what you’re doing?”
“Killing ants?”
“You’re moving them. Last time I put out ant killer it didn’t kill them, they just found a way into my house. It took me three weeks to find every little tiny hole they squeezed through and caulk it. So, I’m calling you when ants invade my house.”
He tried to look contrite. “I’ll be ready to caulk.”