Page 55 of Chasing Sunrise
“You better practice.” She lifted her purse strap onto her shoulder. “We still on for the movies?”
“You bet.” They saw an action film. Everywhere they went, people recognized Kasey and wanted pics with him. He was always courteous, telling stories about episodes of his show people inquired about.
She was doing her damnedest to find something wrong with the man and failing.
That night when she arrived home, she checked her phone messages. Barry had called. She swiped his name and waited.
“Hey, Mandy.” He’d given her the nickname and was the only person who called her that.
“Hi, Amanda,” Luna hollered in the background. Amanda and Luna had become friends while Barry was stationed in Connecticut. Luna was also in The Navy. Luna and Barry started dating two years after Amanda filed for divorce.
“Hi back.”
“Is it true?” Luna excitedly asked. “Are you dating Hunter Kase?”
A spike of panic, and an aching wish it was true, rushed through her.
“Star Breeze ran a spot today with a picture of you guys together, speculating you were his rebound girl.” Luna loved social media.
“We’re just friends.”
“I think you should go for it.”
Barry murmured something Amanda couldn’t hear. Then Luna said, “Amanda, I’ve got to go to the store. Talk to you later.”
After the sound of shuffling, Barry quietly spoke. “How are you?”
It was a blessing she and Barry had remained friends. They talked at least once a month. He’d been her teacher’s assistant her first semester in college. They instantly hit it off, and in a world where she was suddenly alone, he’d quickly become her friend, confidant, and boyfriend. “Fine. You?”
“Busy, as always. I leave for Haiti tomorrow. I wanted to talk to you today in case I can’t on Friday.”
Her heart squeezed. It was crazy how she saw the date multiple times a day on her computer and her phone, but the upcoming day hadn’t registered. Kasey had been more of a distraction than she realized. A welcome one. “I’ll be fine, Barry. I’ve spent it alone before.”
“I know, but we’ve always talked on the phone. I’ll try to check in and answer if you call, I’m just worried about cell service.”
“I understand. Don’t worry about me.”
“Okay. What’s really going on with you and Hunter Kase?”
“I met Kasey at Quinn and Dre’s wedding.” Barry and Luna had met the couple when they visited Amanda during the Christmas holidays. “He was still with Harper then. Since the breakup, we’ve been hanging out when he’s in town. He’s a nice guy. We’re having fun. It can’t be more than that.” She felt sharp pain like a dagger pricked her chest. “He travels too much.”
“Sounds familiar.” Barry knew if she decided to get serious with a man again, he’d have to be present in her life day in and day out.
Thursday evening, Kaseyshowed up with a sack from the local grocery store. He’d brought Edward again. The dog appeared to be happiest while chasing squirrels. Kasey went outside to cook steaks on her pit while Amanda microwaved potatoes and toasted the French bread. She pulled out the ingredients to make a salad. She picked up the iceberg lettuce, lifted it over her head, and forcefully threw it to the ground.
“What did that lettuce do to you?” Kasey entered through the door.
“I’m getting the core out.” She broke through the plastic wrapper and lifted the center part to show him how easily it popped out. “How do you extract your core?”
He grinned a sexy grin. “Ms. Crane, that’s a very personal question.”
She laughed and threw the core at him.
He caught it with a chuckle and snatched a pair of tongs from her drawer.