Page 56 of Chasing Sunrise
They ate on the patio as the sun set.
“That was delicious.” She fed the last of her steak to Edward.
“My dad insisted we boys know how to use a pit.” He held the back door for her as they carried their dishes into the kitchen.
“I bet I’ve gained ten pounds this week.”
He set the dishes on the counter and turned toward her. His eyes journeyed up and down her body. “You’re perfect, Amanda.”
Heat flamed through her.
Grabbing dish after dish, he rinsed them and put them in the dishwasher. He dried his hands on a paper towel. “Do you mind if I work on the mosaic for a while?”
Surprised, she said, “I’d love the help.”
Drinks in hand, they walked to the bathroom. They sat on the floor and began to fill in the flowers at the bottom.
“What’s the group reading for book club this month?” he questioned.
“First Sight. You heard of it?”
“Me neither. The jacket says it’s a time-travel saga. Two people see each other and experience love at first sight then they’re somehow separated by space and time. It’s not a romance, so I’m guessing they don’t end up together.” She took a sip of her cola. “Curious question, do you believe in love at first sight?”
“Hell to the no.” He carefully placed three green tiles for a flower stem. “Why would anyone believe simply looking at someone you know,this is the person for me, the be-all and end-all?”
“I’ve heard stories of instant connection.”
“Instant connection, I get,” he clarified. “Instant attraction, instant lust, sure. Instant love? No way. Love isn’t in a look.”
“I agree. It’s in the everyday things, the little things.”Love is cleaning the dishes, like he’d just done. Cooking, like he’d just done. Intently listening to someone, giving them undivided attention, like he’d been doing every time they were together.Those thoughts flooded her mind like an assault.
I can’t let this go on.“Being present is a way of showing love.”
He turned toward her.
“Kasey, I enjoy spending time with you. You know I do.”
His gaze narrowed.
“But this is beginning to feel like more than friendship, and I can’t have more than a friendship with you.” A nagging thump started in her ears, giving her a headache and threatening to become a full-blown migraine. “Your work schedule reminds me too much of my ex-husband’s. Which is not your fault. None of this has anything to do with you. It’s my shit.”
He tilted his head to the side. “Problem is, I’m having those same more-than-friendship feelings toward you.”
Her emotions soared at his admission, then took a nose dive. She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “You’re still rebounding from Harper.”
“No, I was over that pretty quick.” He took a breath. “Can’t we try long distance?”
She shook her head. “I like to think I’m independent. And I am, truly. Except, when I think of being in a relationship. I want it to be with someone who has my back. Who’s by my side. I’ve never had someone I could rely on. That’s what I want.”
He turned his body to face hers and leaned over. Cupping her cheeks in his hands, he gently pressed his lips to hers.
Her equilibrium spiraled. She grasped his shoulders to steady herself. She’d been married and thought she’d experienced every kind of kiss.Wrong. This one felt different than any other, like an exploration. He was exquisitely gentle, tenderly discovering what she liked.
She let him lead at first, then kissed him back, easily losing herself in his scent, his touch, his taste. The kiss became playful, both of them teasing each other. It was unbelievable how in sync they were.
Finally, he pulled back, breaking contact, and stared into her eyes. His hands still cradled her face. “I thought,Surely, her lips can’t possibly taste as good as she smells.I’ve never been more wrong. Now I want you more than ever.”