Page 3 of His Daggered Heart
He smiles at me and I hug him tight. “I got you, buttercup,” he says and kisses me on the head.
“Thank you,’ I whisper, not knowing if he heard me. I don’t know if I’m telling him or if I’m thanking something greater, whatever higher power sent Levi right when I needed him.
It’s our turn to get on the roller coaster and I spend the rest of the evening letting go, and just having fun with my new best friend.
Chapter 3
Whothefuckwasshe with at the carnival last night? Anger radiates through my body, causing me to shake. My fists are clenched and I want to go over there. I’ve respected her space and the fact that she doesn’t want to talk to me since I’m the one who walked away. I get it, trust me, I’d be pissed at me too. But to already have someone new? What the actual fuck?
The only reason I even went to the square was to find her because Edward told me she was there. What he failed to mention was that she was with a Wish version of Scott Eastwood. Who the fuck is he, with his cowboy boots and Wrangler jeans? He is not her type. I am. She belongs to me. I just wanted her to love herself the way I love her. To see herself the way I do. She probably let him fuck her.
“Fuck!” I grit out, slamming my fist into the wall.
She wouldn’t, would she? I feel like I’m spiraling and she’s all I can think about. I feel the foundation of my sanity cracking. I thought I could fix her but instead, she broke me. She dug her claws into my heart and cracked it open, making it her resting place. Better yet, her battle zone.
Little did she know that buried under all that hard rock and cement was a monster waiting to be freed. I can hear him growling. X warned her and she didn’t listen.
I sit on the bench at the edge of my bed and my head falls into my hands. I have to shake this off. The urge to drink rises and I pull my phone out of my pocket. I look at my blocked contacts and stare at her name for a long time before coming to my senses. It isn’t worth it. I would just do more damage than it’s worth. I throw my phone across the room and pull at my hair.
I need to get out all of this aggression. I pull on my Nikes and grab my gym bag. I’m going to work out until I can’t feel my limbs or this heartache. I can’t believe she was all cuddled up to some guy. It hasn’t even been a month. I grab my earbuds and my phone off the floor.
I decide to dial Edward as I head downstairs. I need to talk to Cora.
The phone rings as I turn on the Corvette. I drive this car more than any other one because Alex loves it. Edward’s voice fills the car as he answers.
“Kohen, what’s up, bro?”
“Is Cora with you?”
“Yeah, she just woke up. Hold on.’ I hear shuffling in the background as if he’s walking to wherever she is. “Hey, babe?”
“Yeah?” she responds, her mousey voice sounding exhausted.
“It’s Kohen. He wants to talk to you, probably about Alex again.”
I roll my eyes, I don’t ask about her that often. Do I?
He must cover the speaker because whatever they are saying sounds muffled. I push it harder to my ear as if that can make it any clearer.
“Hey, Kohen. What’s up?” She does sound tired, but Edward did say she just woke up.
I clear my throat. “Why didn’t you tell me Alex was dating someone?” Silence fills the air and a beeping sound plays in my ears. I pull it away and see she is connecting to Facetime so I accept and turn my camera on, too.
“What do you mean she has a boyfriend?” She looks tired too, with black circles under her once bright eyes and her hair is up and messy. This is not what Cora usually looks like.
“Are you okay, C?”
She winces as if knowing she must look like a mess. “Yes, I think all the traveling we did caught up to me. We just got home. Edward dropped me off and is headed your way. He is shoving his hand in my face for his phone. I will call you from mine in a few. I need to know why you’re asking.”
“Okay, tell Edward to stop being a dick or I will cut his off.” She giggles and the video call ends.
It seems like Cora doesn’t even know, which means Alex is hiding him. She must be fucking him. She knows Cora would never approve. I turn up the music as loud as it goes, “Just Pretend” by Bad Omens blasting through the speakers. The gym is in my view and the adrenaline starts to flow through me. I’m going to fuck that little pussy’s world up for taking advantage of Alex in such a vulnerable state.
He’s a fucking dead man.
Chapter 4