Page 70 of His Daggered Heart
Lastnightwasawhirlwind but the two most important things I should say are that Alex and Cora are okay. I have blocked my father on everything and had my lawyer put a restraining order in place. Now that I have an heir he has nothing. He has no access to my money. My mother left it for me and he had access to it until I turned twenty-five or until I was married and having a child of my own. That is what made him shut the fuck up last night.
Since we were already at the hospital, I went ahead and called my connection in Texas and they flew in to take care of Cora and Alex. Cora has a minor concussion. We will stay here for a few days until the doctor clears her to fly back to Texas.
We did confirm Alex is pregnant and she is three months along. We were a little worried because, obviously, she has had an occasional drink, but they said everything should be fine. I don’t know how she didn’t know for this long but they said it’s pretty common with people who work out or have a busy lifestyle. I was enraged that Walker and my father both had their hands on her with my child inside her but I made some calls and everything will be taken care of.
Alex is safe and that’s all that matters.
A little flag raises in my head. How Alex stood up for me with her own money, I know she has it but doesn’t use it. I don’t know who her grandparents are because she doesn’t talk about it, but I do know that they left her that money to make something of herself since her mom was or is a piece of shit. We are set and our children are set. My mom would be so damn proud.
I lay here, looking out the window with my wife in my arms. This is the fucking life. My Angel stirs in her sleep, and I take the opportunity to sneak out and get ready for today’s meet. Levi and I have another long day ahead of us.
I make my way downstairs and I hear the grinding sound of the blender. He must be making a smoothie. He looks up when he sees me descending the last few steps and raises his hand to say good morning. I raise mine back and sit on the barstool on the opposite side of him. He slides a cup of blended heaven to me and I take a drink.
“This is good,” I say loudly and he dips his chin in acknowledgment. The whir of the blender comes to a stop and then he brings out eggs and bacon. “For the girls?”
“Yeah.” He laughs. “We’re gonna be dealing with massive cravings. Might as well stay on top of it.”
“Very true,” I say, taking another big gulp of the concoction. I watch as he prepares the food, “You really love her, don’t you?”
He freezes. “We haven’t said those three little words yet, but yeah, I think I do.”
“That Mariana girl, she broke your heart?”
“Yeah,” he confirms, cracking eggs into a bowl. “She did, she uhm.” He clears his throat. “She cheated on me with Pierre in the restroom of my qualifier last year. So I put in a transfer, moved out of my parents place, and came here. I trained on my own for a while and became a recluse. Which is why you didn’t see me but then I decided to get back out there. That’s the night I met Alex, and I feel like she gave me purpose.” He laughs, “Crazy girl.”
“That she is,” I agree. “I just have one question, though.” I remain stagnant for a few seconds. “Why didn’t you sleep with her or like hit on her?” He smirks as if he knew that’s what I was going to ask.
“I could see all these dudes trying to get at her, so I intervened. She was drunk as fuck.” My chest feels like it’s caving in as he continues to speak. “I picked her up and walked with her over my shoulder to my place.”
“Was she passed out, or…?”
He looks at me and shakes his head. “She was spanking my ass the whole way. I didn’t drive in case I drank but I didn’t have a lick of alcohol.” He laughs. “She fought me until she passed out. She was pissed that I wouldn’t let her leave but also wouldn’t have sex with her.”
My heart hurts, it feels like that was so long ago, but it also feels like just yesterday. The girl I loved was trying so fucking hard to fill the void I left her in. I was missing pieces of myself too, pieces ripped through when she daggered my heart.
“She is the love of my life and I feel like I just have to explain,” I say.
He puts his hands up, waving them side to side. “You don’t have to explain anything to me,” he counters.
“I know, Levi, but I want to. I need to say this.”
He stops what he’s doing to listen, giving me his full attention. “Alright.”
“I only left to save myself. I was so engulfed in her, every thought, every action, it was surrounded by her. Her scent, her soft skin… I had been injected with her toxin and I was addicted. When I was with her, all I wanted to do was be next to her and if we were apart, all I was thinking about was the next time I could be with her. She knew how to keep me hooked. It was like no matter what I did, she was a step ahead while Xzavien was always there, waiting for the space to exist so he could move in. He filled her head with little lies about me so she would hurt me. He weaponized her but also wanted her for himself.”
“I hear ya, man, I get it, trust me.”
“So with every breath I took and every beat of my heart I became more obsessed with proving to her that she was worthy, healing her was breaking me and I saw it. I looked at the man in the mirror and realized her love was my drug. She didn’t see it, though. She thought it was still some game we were playing. I knew she loved me and I know she knew I loved her but we couldn’t stop the fucking roller coaster we were on.”
He places a firm grip on my shoulder. “You did the right thing, Kohen. She didn’t like it and I know she was pissed for a long fucking time, but I had your back as much as I had hers. When she saw I was here platonically and didn’t expect anything in return, she let me in. That girl was just hurting, man, and she didn’t know how to let anyone love her but that little blonde in my bed.” He chuckles. “But even then, Alex had walls so high, and water so deep. You broke them down, Kohen, not me. You laid the groundwork and I just filled the dark places with sun, that’s all.”
“Thanks, man,” I say back. “I appreciate you for seeing me.”
“Look, I was mad. I won’t lie, you hurt someone I loved no matter how much I knew she was a part of the issues, too. When I fell in love with my toxic little firecracker of a best friend, I wanted to find you and shake you, askingwhy would you let this go?She is amazing. But I get it.”
We both laugh at that. “One more question,” I say.
“Shoot.” He has his hands up like two guns as he goes back to preparing breakfast.