Page 261 of Psycho Pack
"It's not a threat," Plague replies. "It's a statement of fact. Surhiirawillbe invading Reinmich. The only variable is how much blood will be shed in the process."
I catch a glimpse of Ivy tensing out of the corner of my eye as she comes up behind us. Plague continues. "If you truly care for our homeland, you'll ensure our forces can enter with minimal casualties. But either way, Maybrecht's daughter stays where she is until we've breached Reinmich's defenses."
Oh shit. He's really doing this.
"And then?" Azarel demands, his massive frame practically vibrating with barely contained rage. His hand's still bleeding as he clutches it, but the blood's slowed down. Looks like Valek didn't so much as nick an artery.
Too bad.
Then again, I don't think Plague wants Azarel dead.
"Then I'll arrange for her location to be sent to you," Plague says simply. "Whether I'm alive or dead."
Ivy makes a quiet sound of distress. I reach over and rest my hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. A silent promise that we won't let that happen.
That we'll protect him.
Protect all of us.
"You would use an innocent omega as leverage?" Azarel's voice drips with disgust. "You truly have fallen far."
"Innocent might be a stretch," I say dryly. "Girl's got a wicked swing."
Azarel's eyes narrow and he gives me a look that says he's thinking about tearing me apart like string cheese.
"Says the man who's spent years playing lap dog to the Council," Plague shoots back before he can reply. "Tell me, does Arthur Maybrecht know howpersonally investedyou are in getting his daughter back? For that matter, does Monty Filch?"
The way Azarel's face twists tells me Plague hit the nail right on the head with that one. Guess being a nosy bastard runs in the family, too.
"You know nothing," Azarel snarls.
"I know enough," Plague replies. "And I know I will do anything for my omega. If there's any part of me that runs through your blood," he says, giving Azarel a judgmental once over that could freeze hell, "you'll do the same."
I watch the silence stretch between the brothers like a rubber band about to snap. My muscles stay coiled, ready to throw myself between them if Azarel decides to go for round two. The fact that Valek hasn't taken another shot tells me he's waiting to see how this plays out, too.
Finally, Azarel's massive shoulders slump slightly. "Three days," he mutters, sounding resigned. "Bring your army to the old mining outpost at the edge of the northeastern checkpoint. After that, you're on your own." His eyes harden. "And if I see any of you again, I won't hesitate to shoot. I won't compromise my cover for your suicide errand."
"I understand," Plague says solemnly, and I catch the slight tic in his hand as he wipes blood from his eye. "I'll have someonedeliver Cosima's location to you. Someone already positioned in Reinmich. You have my word."
"Your word?" Azarel's bitter laugh makes me want to punch him in his perfectly chiseled face. His eyes drift over to where I stand with Ivy, and the contempt in his gaze has my hackles rising. "Thatusedto mean something."
I bare my teeth at him. "Watch it, asshole."
He ignores me completely, which is probably for the best. "It will have to do," he says to Plague.
Without another word, he turns and stalks back toward his car. I watch as he bends down to retrieve his fallen sword, switching it awkwardly to his left hand since Valek fucked up his right one. Blood still drips steadily from the wound as he sheaths the blade.
"Well," I mutter as the car roars to life and makes a beeline down the overgrown dirt road. "That could've gone worse."
"How?" Plague asks flatly.
"He could've actually killed you instead of just trying really hard to."
I expect him to bitch at that, but instead, he laughs. An actual laugh. It's a relief to hear that sound again, especially after everything that just happened.
He puts a hand on Ivy's shoulder, then mine, and pulls us both into a tight embrace as he breathes a burdened sigh.