Page 262 of Psycho Pack
Today is just full of surprises.
"Thank you," he murmurs. "Both of you."
I pull my arms around Plague and Ivy, still not used to being so openly affectionate with another alpha, especially out in the open. But fuck it. After what just went down, I need this as much as they do. Their scents are weirdly comforting as they mingle together. Ivy's wild honeysuckle and Plague's clean scent like the smell before a storm.
I could stay here forever.
Plague finally pulls away, his voice rough as he murmurs, "Come on, let's go home."
Wish I had the guts to tell him I am home, as long as I'm with the two of them. But that's sappy shit, even for me.
"Wait." Ivy's eyes drift to the cliffs where Valek's sniper nest is hiding. Her small hand catches Plague's sleeve before he can turn toward the car. "You two go on ahead. I need to talk to him."
I exchange a doubtful look with Plague. Every protective instinct screams at me not to leave her alone with the snake, even if he did just save our asses in an admittedly badass fashion.
"I'll hitch a ride back," she adds, clearly reading our hesitation.
"Ivy…" Plague starts.
"He's changed," she insists. "You saw that today. We have to start trusting him at some point."
She's got me there. That shot through Azarel's hand was fucking surgical. Could've killed him easy, but he didn't. Just disabled him enough to keep Plague alive.
"He did save our asses," I admit grudgingly. The words taste like vinegar coming out of my mouth, but they're true.
Plague sighs, that weary sound that means he's about to cave. He leans down and presses a kiss to Ivy's forehead. "Be careful," he murmurs. "And take this."
He pulls his fancy Surhiiran blade from its sheath, pressing it into her small hand. The white metal and gold filigree catch the morning light as she clips it to her belt with a smile.
"I'll see you at home," she says softly.
The word hits different now. Makes my chest do weird things.
"Don't let him sweet talk you," I warn as we head for the car. "Snake's got a silver tongue when he wants to use it."
Ivy just rolls her eyes at me, but there's fondness in her expression. "I think I can handle Valek."
"That's what I'm afraid of," I mutter, but I'm already heading toward the getaway car. No way I'm letting Plague drive with those cuts he's sporting.
We both turn back to watch as Ivy runs for the cliffs, and I have to restrain my inner alpha from giving chase. She disappears into the brush like the wild thing she is, but she's close enough to Valek that I know she'll find her way.
I turn to Plague, watching the pensive look that comes over him as she disappears from view.
"You okay?" I ask. "That was pretty rough back there."
"Not really," he says in a tone of quiet detachment. "Not for Azarel. We've never been on the best of terms."
I snort. "That's putting it mildly." We stand together in silence for a few moments, both of us watching the cliffs for the occasional flash of red in the brush, like a fox going up into the hills. "You think we can really trust his intel?"
"Azarel is a man of his word," Plague answers thoughtfully. "For better or for worse."
I catch a glimpse of white in the brush as Valek comes out from his cover.
He's got her.
Relaxing, I put a hand on Plague's shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. "Come on," I say, giving him a nudge toward the passenger's side. "Let's go."