Page 17 of Honoring Freedom
“Ask me that when you’re not rubbing my feet.” She could barely think, let alone talk.
“So, is a massage like a truth serum? Be honest, why are you single? It certainly can't be because you don't have your pick of all the eligible bachelors in town,” he said as he switched to the other foot.
“I think it's quite refreshing to be alone in today's world.”
His soft chuckle echoed through the courtyard. “What you’re saying is you haven’t found a man who is strong enough to handle you.”
She found it harder to respond since his fingers were pressing more firmly into her foot. “Am I really that difficult?”
His hand paused. “Yes.”
“Why do men associate difficulty with independence?”
“So independence is what you’re calling it these days?” His fingers had traveled higher up on her legs, his thumbs caressing her calves.
“I’m not calling it anything. But if we had to put a label on it, I’d say it’s strength. Unfortunately, you’ve never had to work in a male dominated career.” She watched him closely.
“But it must be a bit more…easy considering you’re the boss,” he said matter-of-factly.
“The boss? Hardly. That’s Daddy’s title.” She swallowed the last dregs of her drink.
“But one day it’ll be yours, and your sisters’.”
She hesitated. “Maybe. I think he’d much rather have had a son to give everything to.”
“Or maybe he just wants for you and your sisters to act like ladies and think like men.”
This caught her by surprise. “What do you mean? Does that mean thinking as if we have a penis but being ladylike so we can still catch a penis?”
He leaned in. “You’re not getting what I’m saying.”
“Then please explain.” Tension was rising.
“This is a rough career, sweetheart. Right now, Sam protects his daughters from the true mess. He cleans up all the messes. What happens when, heaven forbid, he’s no longer here? Can each of you make the tough decisions? The not so pleasant choices? Can you each keep the boundaries between boss and employee?”
Freedom wanted to come back with something snappy, but she had no argument. Since the Rose sisters became adults the lines at the ranch had been blurred by temptation and attraction. Although there were strict rules and restrictions Daddy had put into place, his daughters were as stubborn and didn’t abide by rules as they should.
“I allowed myself a bit of rule-breaking once. It didn’t work out so well and I learned my lesson.”
Their gazes met and locked.
“Just once?”
“Not that it’s any of your business, but yes, just once.”
“I've heard rumors that you and Jinx are—”
“No, we're not,” she interrupted, placing her glass on the table. “Surely you don't amuse yourself with such foolishness.”
He was quiet for a moment. “I was hoping the talk was false.”
“Why is that?”
“You’re smart, Free. You feel the chemistry between us as strong as I do.”
His gaze burrowed into her, warming her blood with desire.
But she needed to stop things before they got out of control.