Page 18 of Honoring Freedom
Lowering her feet to the floor, she stood and smoothed her skirt. “I should go to bed.”
“This early?”
“We have to get up at dawn. We should arrive at the auction grounds ahead of everyone else. You know what they say, the early bird catches the worm.” She hurried to the doors. “Thank you for dinner.” She was still breathing heavy when she stepped inside her bedroom and leaned against the door. Obviously, the chemistry hadn’t waned between them.
This working relationship had the potential to get very sticky.
Chapter Six
The auction had gone off without a hitch. In fact, she and Keller had worked splendidly together. They got to the site early just as she’d wanted and had a chance to examine every potential thoroughbred. They must have looked like a perfect couple because a handful of people referred to Keller as Freedom’s boyfriend. And she wasn’t mad at the insinuation. She’d noticed how many interested glances he received from the ladies, which wasn’t a shocker. She couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off him either as he inspected the horses with confidence. How he spoke to the other ranchers, even giving them his opinion if they asked.
She and Keller had even shared a few laughs.
At one point he’d placed his hand on the small of her back as they headed into the auction building and she’d felt a zap of electricity all the way into her toes. As everyone looked at them in curiosity, she’d felt her heart flutter and reminded herself to keep it together.
By the end of the day her plan was to forego the usual closing night festivities and take a long hot bath and get sleep, but Keller had talked her into attending the event.
The committee usually put on quite a shindig with live music, dancing, great barbecue, and lots of fun, but controlling her hands from touching Keller all day had worn her out.
Checking her appearance one last time in the full-length mirror, she was satisfied with the yellow off the shoulder sundress that had a fitted bodice and flowing skirt. Her ankle boots finished off the look.
The dangling diamond earrings seemed a bit too formal for the look she was going for, so she exchanged them for a simple pair of rose gold hearts that had belonged to her mother. Freedom had very few memories of her mom and now she wasn’t sure if the image she had was from the pictures she saw or memory. However, being a motherless daughter had always saddened Freedom. There were always things a girl needed to tell her mom that she couldn’t share with anyone else.
Pushing the morose thoughts aside, she left the bedroom and made her way down the curving stairs and stopped mid-stride when she saw Keller standing in the great room. He was unbelievably sexy wearing a soft red button down with the sleeves rolled high on his forearms, the shiny belt buckle, and dark jeans that showed off his lean hips and long legs. She’d stopped denying the attraction early that morning when the urge to kiss him had become so strong that she had lost her train of thought during a conversation with him.
He looked up and saw her. He smiled and her body quivered.
Swallowing the fact that something blossomed inside her, she continued down the stairs, holding onto the banister so she didn’t topple onto her head. He met her at the bottom step, standing with one hand resting against the doorframe, his angular body slouched, and one lean hip cocked in those nice fitting jeans. His gaze traveled over her, lingering confidently on the tops of her breasts that were modestly covered. He didn’t even make it to check out the skirt.
When he returned his gaze to her face, a tight smile spread over his lips. “I like that dress, and your hair down.” He gave a twirling gesture with his fingers. “It’s a change from the braid you usually wear.”
She’d almost gone for a braid but decided to leave it down. Having a head full of curls, sometimes they chose not to behave but she was having a decent hair day. She twisted a long lock around her finger. “Let’s hope it behaves.”
“I like it.”
Despite wanting to keep her distance, something about his compliment made her feel exceptionally beautiful. Sure, everyone thought the Rose sisters already knew they were beautiful. Yet, growing up with four other sisters who were perfect, Freedom hadn’t always had the self-confidence that she had now. Her hair was the curliest of the sisters. She had freckles back when freckles weren’t all the rage and her lips were a bit on the thinner side. She also tended to be on the curvy side where her sisters got their mother’s slender figure.
Being the youngest sister she’d also been treated like a baby. She’d lost her voice among overly opinionated sisters.
“Here,” he said as he pulled something from his pocket. She extended her hand, and he laid a small velvet pouch into her palm. “I think you should remember it.”
Curious, she tugged on the ends of the ribbon and took out the infinity ring that he’d given her duringtheirsummer. “You kept this?”
“After you chucked it at my head? Of course I did. I didn’t know it wouldn’t go right back on your finger but instead would be with me all these years.”
She couldn’t help but sense a bit of regret in his words. “Thank you.”
“You don’t have to feel obligated to wear it, but it belongs to you.”
She slid the ring onto her right hand's fourth finger and admired its simple beauty. She regretted throwing it at him a few times, but she was hurt back then. Now, thinking it over, she understood she had been immature and could've handled things way better. "I guess I was kind of angry that night."
“A bit. I’ve seen bulls in the ring less angry.”
Freedom touched the silver infinity symbol, still warm from where he’d had it in his pocket. A strange familiar feeling surged through her, catching her so off guard that the words fell off her lips, “If you hadn’t cheated, I might still be wearing this to this day.” She started to backpedal but the opportunity didn’t come.
“Wow, even after our conversation the other night you still don’t believe me,” he said in a chilly tone. “If you’re wanting to be spoon-fed an explanation every day, you’re going to be disappointed.”
She slumped her shoulders. What could she say? She was even tired of hearing herself mention the past. “I promised that I’d let that part of our past go. I guess…”