Page 50 of Wilde Abandon
She put her hand on his chest.“Breathe.”Of course she understood how overwhelmed he felt by her statement.
He sucked in a breath.Then another.
“I’ll see you at Wilde Wind on Sunday.Six o’clock.”
“Are you sure?”Because this felt like another step deeper into their relationship.Was she ready for that?
“I wouldn’t have invited you if I didn’t want you there.You belong with us, Fox.There’s no changing that now.”
He pulled her close and practically crushed her to his chest.
She wrapped her arms around his back and held on just as tight.
He needed to get a grip and tried to lighten the mood.“Can we have all our talks like this with you naked?”
“As long as we’re alone, I don’t see why not.”
He chuckled because he knew she meant that and because she was obviously comfortable in her skin.She had every reason to be confident about herself and her body.He loved everything about her.
He didn’t let his heart follow his mind down that path.He knew how he felt about her.But did she care enough about him to change her whole life?
Chapter thirteen
Melodycouldn’tstopthinkingabout her conversation with Fox.One day soon, he’d have to return to his home and company.It wasn’t like he could move his entire business.Not just to be with her.That was absurd.And she couldn’t expect him to work remotely.Maybe that was okay for a limited time because of his sick mother, but long-term, that wasn’t a viable option.
And after living in the city, rural life probably wasn’t exciting for him.If he’d wanted that, he’d have opened his business somewhere less bustling than Boston.
She pressed the buzzer on the center’s door and waited.
A woman’s voice came over the speaker.“Can I help you?”
“I’m here to see Fox.”
“Do you have an appointment?”The upbeat voice had turned hesitant.
Do I need one?“Uh, I’m a friend of his.”
“Only staff and students are allowed on the premises,” the clipped voice stated emphatically.
“He asked me to stop by.”
“I believe he’s in a meeting.”
Seriously?“He’s expecting me,” she grumbled and pulled out her phone to text Fox because this was getting ridiculous.All she wanted to do was see him.And she didn’t have a lot of time before she needed to be at the bar.
The door opened before she sent the text and a woman about her age with blonde hair, blue eyes, and sporting a chef’s hat poked her head out.“The receptionist just came back.Fox told her you were coming, so I guess you can come in.”
She walked in behind the blonde and looked around the reception area.Mostly it was a huge set of stairs that went up to the second level on one side and the reception desk and seating area on the other.There was a door on both sides with electronic locks.
“I’m Amy.I’m the resident chef.”Amy looked Melody up and down, then asked, “Who are you?”
Melody had on a pair of super-comfy biker-style boots, a black jean skirt that hit her mid-thigh, and a Dark Horse Dive Bar T-shirt with the bar name and logo over her left breast.Her hair was down for now.She loved the look.
Amy seemed to disapprove.Not that Melody cared.
They were obviously very different.
Amy tall and slim with soft curves.