Page 51 of Wilde Abandon
Melody a little shorter with a whole lot more in the curves department.
“I’m Melody.”Should she say she was Fox’s girlfriend?She kept it to herself, unsure if Fox wanted everyone to know about them, and went with something relevant that explained her presence here today.“I’ll be teaching a class on setting up an Etsy store and running your own online business.”
“Oh wow.That’s great.”Amy’s eyes went bright.“I’ve thought about setting up my own little cookie company.”
“Well, I guess you can join the class and I can give you all the tips and tricks I’ve learned running my two businesses.”
The chef quickly glanced at Melody’s chest.“Don’t you work at the bar?”
“I own it.”With her siblings Aria, Lyric, and Jax.“But I also make custom leather belts and bracelets in one shop and custom horse bridles in another.”
Amy started up the stairs and Melody followed.
“Wow.That’s cool.”Amy used a badge to get through the door on the right side of the stairs.
“Thanks.”They passed several rooms with glass-fronted doors.One was empty.Two had students and an instructor in them.
Amy led her past an office marked SECURITY, another marked DIRECTOR, and finally to one with no description, where Fox sat behind a desk with three monitors as he typed like a hundred words a minute, staring at the screens.“Fox, you have a visitor.”
It took Fox a second to look up as he finished whatever he was typing.“Huh.What?”
Amy stepped out of the way so Fox could see Melody.
“Hey.”She grinned at him, loving the way his glazed eyes went bright when he saw her.
His whole face lit up and a big smile bloomed on his face.All for her.He’d just seen her not even two hours ago.And he was this happy to see her?“Hello, gorgeous.”
She tried not to blush and failed miserably because he’d surprised her by saying something so sweet in front of someone else, even though he’d told her several times that he thought she was beautiful.
Fox rose and came around his desk.“Come in.”
Oddly, Amy stepped in first, instead of leaving them alone.
Fox stopped and stared at Amy.
She put her hand on his arm.“You didn’t tell me your friend was coming on board to teach a class.”
Fox took a small step away from Amy, putting some distance between them, so Amy’s hand dropped away.
Melody looked from Amy to Fox and back again, wondering if she’d missed something.Why would Fox tell her about Melody teaching the class?
“We have several students who want to start their own businesses and be their own bosses,” Fox explained now.
“Like you,” Amy chimed in.“You did it all on your own.”
“I had help.Dean and Max backed me up.”
“But you were the one with the coding experience.You built your reputation and the company’s.”Amy gushed over Fox.
He looked a bit uncomfortable.“Anyway, Melody agreed to teach the class.”
Amy stepped closer to him.“I’d like to take it.I’ve been wanting to start my own thing too.”
Melody wondered if what she wanted to start was something with Fox.
He took a step away from Amy and closer to Melody.“As long as it doesn’t interfere with your job here, no problem.Some of the other staff have sat in on classes just to learn something new, too.”
“Great.”Amy threw her arms around Fox and hugged him.“Thank you so much.”She released Fox and headed for the door, but turned back before she disappeared.“I’ll see you soon.”The desire in her eyes couldn’t be missed.