Page 77 of Wilde Abandon
“She knows Josh?”Fox wondered how they’d met.
“I don’t think so.It’s clear in the video that she tried to brush him off at first.She puts her hand up, like she’s telling him she can’t let him in.Then he says something that gets her attention.They speak back and forth for another couple minutes and she lets him in.”
“Okay.What prompted you to follow me and Melody tonight?”
“I got a weird vibe about that scene with Josh at your place.The same one I got when I saw Amy on surveillance when she showed up to deliver you cupcakes.”Dean gave him a look.“I didn’t get any cupcakes.Guess I’m not as special as you.”
“Shut the fuck up.”Fox did not want to be goaded, not after the dinner disaster with Amy.
“Can’t.Because I have to tell you that Amy was waiting downstairs for you and Melody to leave the building.She hid behind the potted plant at the back corner until you two came off the elevator and walked out.You were so engrossed with Melody, you didn’t see her.”
“Shit.She followed us.You’re sure?”The stupid question got him an eye roll from Dean.“Right.Why else hide?”
“I think she might be stalking you.”
“She’s definitely interested, but…stalking.”He shook his head, not wanting to believe it.
“She knows you have a girlfriend and is actively trying to mess that up, so she can have you.”
“I’m not interested.Not even if Melody wasn’t in the picture.”
“I get it.You only see her.But Amy is, at best, a nuisance.At worst, she’s dangerous.”
He didn’t want to hear this.But… “She mentioned something at the restaurant about me keeping my secrets.And it was all a part of a conversation where she said she wants a guy who can take care of her and basically give her financial security.”
Dean’s eyes went wide.“How the hell did that even come up?”
“Melody asked her what kind of guy she was looking for.She listed all her qualities and Melody said they had the same taste in men.Except for the part about a guy providing financial security, because Melody said she could make her own money and take care of herself in that way.”
Dean grinned.“God, I like her for you.”
“Me, too.Except Amy basically hinted that she knows my secret.”
“She lives in Boston.There are rumors…”
Dean shook his head.“This isn’t good.If she’s targeted you—”
“That’s ridiculous.If anything, she’s overzealous about how much she likes me.”
Dean raised a brow.“She busted in on your date without a shred of remorse and lacking any kind of logic that you’d welcome her there with your girlfriend present.”
“It crossed a line,” Fox admitted annoyed.
“You’re in love with Melody.I don’t want to see that get messed up because of Amy.You need to nip this in the bud now.”
Amy had to know her behavior tonight wouldn’t go over well with Melody or him.So why do it?Amy’s behavior puzzled him.
Which led him back to Josh and her having a long—considering they didn’t know each other—conversation.
“Amy purposely tried to make it seem like I’m dating a lot of women back in Boston.”
Dean gave him a WTF look.“You date.But it’s not like you have a new woman every week or something.”
“You think they’re working together to break me and Melody up so they can have the one they want.”It sounded stupid and juvenile to his own ears.
“Maybe.”Dean planted his hands on his hips and stared at him.“But it’s plain to see you’re completely gone over Melody and she’s all about you.They can’t think this could possibly work in their favor.It’s too…obvious.”