Page 80 of Wilde Abandon
But first he should tell her the rest.
Or maybe theI love youfirst and the rest after?
She brushed her lips to his one more time, then mumbled sleepily, “Grab the covers and snuggle with me.”
Best idea she’d had since the last one, when he found her naked and wanting him.
“Back in a sec.”He went to the bathroom, did the condom cleanup, and slid into bed beside her.She was already mostly asleep and only sighed and pressed back into him when he covered them and pulled her close as they spooned.
Content and happier than he’d ever been, he held her and let the rest go for now, so he could enjoy this perfect moment.
She was his.They were starting to plan a life together.A life where he had someone he loved and trusted.Someone who’d never hurt or leave him.Someone who cared enough to change her life to be with him.
It didn’t seem quite real.Not after the way he’d grown up.
And he’d do anything to keep her.
Chapter eighteen
FoxstaredoveratMelody sleeping beside him, her head on the pillow, face turned toward him.One of her hands lay on his arm, the other tucked under the pillow.The sheet covered most of her, except for her bare shoulder and a tantalizing peek at the swell of her breasts.
Last night had been a disaster of a date in his book.What could have been romantic and fun had turned into an awkward threesome with enough tension and drama to try his patience.But Melody had handled it well.He’d held his tongue.
It wouldn’t happen again.
He hoped Amy had gotten the message loud and clear last night that he and Melody were a couple.He wasn’t interested in her.Not now.Not ever.Because Melody was his forever.
They just needed to figure out the logistics of that.
But Amy’s words came back to him from last night about how the people he mingled with and did business with in Boston wouldn’t accept Melody.She didn’t come from money.She didn’t attend an Ivy League school.She was from some dinky little town no one had ever heard of.
But so was he.And he fit in those circles.They needed him.And who cared about the snotty ones who thought they were better than everyone else?That only proved they weren’t better in his mind.
He believed Melody would find her place.
If nothing else, she’d always fit right by his side.
He brushed his fingers over her long hair.The swelling where her stitches had been put in had lessened.The cut didn’t look so angry and red anymore.
She was healing.And nothing had stopped her from making love last night, though he should have been more careful about her using her hurt hand to hold herself up.She hadn’t complained or asked to change positions, so he guessed she was okay.The bandage on her hand was pristine white, no blood, so she hadn’t torn anything.
Seeing her waiting for him in their bed…he got hard just thinking about it.
He needed to wake her so they could shower, dress, have some coffee and breakfast, and head to Tanya’s place.
He traced his finger along the side of her face and watched as her blue eyes fluttered open.“God you’re beautiful.”
Her eyes closed and a grin spread on her full lips.
He kissed her softly.“Time to wake up, sweet Dee.People to see.Things to do.”He trailed kisses down her neck as she shifted onto her back and he covered her warm, lush body.He got to her nipple, laved it with his tongue, then sucked it into his mouth as she moaned.He gave her other breast the same attention, then headed south, bringing the sheet down with him, baring her chest to his avid gaze.“Such a pretty view.”
She spread her legs wide to accommodate him between her thighs.“What are you doing?”
He kissed her right beneath her belly button.“What I promised.Showing you how much I appreciate you.”He kissed her mound, then licked her clit.
She rolled her hips up to meet his hungry mouth and he feasted on her.He put his hands on her thighs and spread her legs wider as he stared at her sex.“So pretty.So pink.So fucking delicious.”He dove in for more, sliding in one finger, then two as he licked and sucked her clit, taking her up and up and up until she crashed over the edge and came against his mouth as he hummed his satisfaction.
But he wasn’t done with her yet.As she lay pliant and blissed out on the bed, he pulled out a condom, sheathed himself, then nudged her entrance with the head of his dick.“You want me, sweet Dee?”