Page 86 of Wilde Abandon
“Then what more do you want?”
“A chance to make things up to you, like I’ve been trying to do.”
Melody wanted to know how she’d been trying to do that, because it seemed to her that Tanya had simply asked Fox to let it lie in the past, dead and forgotten.
Fox looked even more frustrated.“You can’t undo the past.We agreed to start over.But let’s face it.We don’t have a lot in common besides blood.”
“Blood is everything.”
Fox shook his head.“No.It’s not.You taught me that the hard way.Blood doesn’t make us family, it makes us related.Family is something altogether different.Melody’s family taught me that.”
“You’re my son, Fox.That matters.That’s something that will never change, whether you like it or not.All I’m asking is that we take the time we have and do something with it.I’ve lived a hard life.”
Melody stepped back, giving Fox some room to finish his conversation.
Fox took a step closer to Tanya.“I know your life wasn’t easy.I know the choices you made were probably the ones you thought were your only option.”
“Sometimes there was no choice, just to hold on and hope it worked out.”
“That’s a hard way to live,” Fox acknowledged.“I had a lot of days like that growing up in foster care.”He said it matter-of-factly, without any accusation in his words or eyes, though it was implied in every word.“I don’t have to do that anymore.You don’t have to do that anymore, because I will make sure your last months are comfortable.”
“All I want is something special before I die.”
Fox’s shoulders went lax and he nodded.“We’ll talk about it, and the possibility of you moving into a nursing home facility in Boston, when I get back.”That would give him time to think it over and decide how far he was willing to go to make Tanya happy.
“You’d want me with you in Boston?”
“After your trip, we’ll evaluate your needs and go from there, because I’m hoping by then, Melody and I will be settled in Boston.”He held out the sweatshirt.“Put this on.Let’s go for that walk.”He turned to Melody and kissed her softly, then pressed his lips to her ear and whispered, “I know you have to get to the ranch.I’ll see you soon.Thank you for being here with me.”
She leaned back and gave him a smile, hoping it eased his heart.“Anytime.”
“I’m ready.”Tanya stood by the back door.
Fox kissed Melody one last time, this one sweet and soft as he looked into her eyes and she saw reflected back everything she felt for him in her heart.
“I’ll put the lasagna in the oven and set the time for twenty minutes, so don’t be too long.”
Tanya opened the back door, but said, “Thank you for cooking,” before she walked out.
Fox brushed his hand down her arm.“I’ll see you soon.”
She kept her gaze on him as he left with Tanya.They walked across the yard and away from the barn Fox couldn’t even look at, let alone go in, and into the trees.
She knew they’d never be mother and son.Not like her mom was with Jax and all of her girls.But maybe Tanya could find a way to soften enough to focus on Fox.To see the man he’d become and offer him some kind of recognition for his accomplishments instead of focusing on the wealth that came with his success.
That’s all Fox wanted: his mother to be proud of him.
And maybe to see in her eyes that she knew he’d done it despite her absence and the hurt she’d inflicted on him.
If she couldn’t give him that, then Melody would make sure he knew how much she appreciated him and how proud she was of him for all he’d overcome and accomplished.He truly was a good man.
And he was all hers.
She couldn’t wait to go to Boston and take this step toward their future together.
Now all she had to do was tell her family she was making plans that would take her away from them.They’d be sad to see her go, but they’d want only her happiness.
She was happiest when she was with Fox.