Page 87 of Wilde Abandon
And no one, not Tanya nor Amy, was going to spoil it for them.
As she was slipping the lasagna into the oven, the house phone rang.She didn’t pay it any mind as she set the timer on the oven and washed the colander in the sink until the answering machine clicked on.
“Tanya, it’s Brian.What time do you want me to deliver your stuff?Things are moving forward on the other thing.We have someone who’s got an in we can use.It won’t be long now and you’ll get what you want.We all will.”
Melody stared into space, wondering what that all meant and what exactly Brian was handling for Tanya.
What was Tanya up to?
Why would she partner with Brian on anything when she only had months to live?She could barely leave the house without exhausting herself.
But something was obviously in the works.What exactly?
Whatever it was, Melody would make sure it didn’t touch Fox.
She’d keep an eye on Brian, and most especially on Tanya.That woman had proven to be bad to the bone in the past.She wouldn’t put it past Tanya to pull some stunt to get Fox’s attention and sympathy.Which would probably cost him a pretty penny, too.
Not going to happen.
I see you coming.
Chapter twenty
AfterFoxandMelodyparted ways at Tanya’s place, he’d gone back to the apartment and worked on a project that was time sensitive.
He got lost in the coding until his phone alarm went off.He quickly grabbed his wallet, keys, and a bottle of wine to take to dinner at Melody’s folks place, then rushed out the door, making sure to set the alarm as he left.He couldn’t wait to see Melody and her mom and dad.He was really excited about taking her to Boston.
He texted Melody on the elevator ride down.
FOX: On my way.Miss you.
She texted him right back.
MELODY: Miss you more.Park at the house, but walk over to the green barn—back room on the right.I’ll show you my work.
He couldn’t wait to see what she created, and how, up close.
FOX: Be there soon.
He stepped off the elevator as he hit send and stuffed the phone back in his pocket, and nearly slammed into Amy in the lobby.“Hey.Sorry.Wasn’t paying attention.”
She smiled.“No worries.How are you?”She stood right in front of him, blocking the exit, a look of anticipation in her eyes.
“I’m good.You?”He didn’t want to come off rude, so he kept his voice neutral, not letting her see or hear that he was in a hurry to leave.
She leaned in.“I hope you know that I didn’t mean to upset Melody.I just thought, you know, that we all work together, and we could share a meal like friends.Because I like you, Fox.”
He wasn’t sure what to say.“Let’s just put it behind us.”
Her whole face lit up, then she put her hand on his forearm and squeezed.“You’re the best.You get it.I don’t know a lot of people here, just you and the ones I’ve met at the center.And I hate eating alone.I’m sure you do, too, so it was nice to share a meal, talk, you know, spend some time together.”
He pulled his arm free.“Uh, I have to go.”
“Hold up.”She glanced around like she wanted to be sure they were alone.As if that wasn’t obvious.Then she met his gaze again.“I’m glad I have this chance to talk to you privately.”
That sounded like a bad idea.“I really need to go.”