Page 88 of Wilde Abandon
She stepped even closer and dropped her voice.“It’s about Melody.”
That kept him rooted in the lobby.“What about her?”
“The other day I was coming back from my early morning run when I ran into this guy desperate to get into the building to see his girlfriend.”
Fox narrowed his gaze.Was she talking about Josh?“What exactly did he say to you?”Fox had seen the security footage.Without any audio, he couldn’t say what Josh had said to Amy.
“That he was worried because she’d had an accident and was hurt.”Amy bit her bottom lip, looking uncomfortable but also anxious to tell him more.“He said that she’s been playing some game with him, saying you two are old friends.”
“We are.And more.”
“Yeah, well she told him she’s just letting you think it’s more because you’ve got money and she knows you'll…share it with her.”
“Melody’s not like that.”
“Are you sure?Because it seems to me she’s got a reputation for going from one guy to the next.She uses sex to hook the guy, then she bleeds him dry.At least until she met Josh.He said they had something real, until her old friend showed up”—she eyed him intently—“and she saw big, fat dollar signs.”
“That’s a lie.Melodybrieflydated Joshyearsago, and dumped him because he was a dick to her.”
Amy shook her head and put her hand on the outside of his upper arm.“I’m sorry, Fox, but she’s using you.I thought you should know before she really hurts you.”
He stepped back, putting distance between them, and making her hand drop from his arm.“Melody would never hurt me.”
“We all think that about the people we care about, but it’s always the ones closest to us who hurt us the most.I’m sorry, Fox, but it sounded like this guy knows Melody really well.I mean, they were together before you showed up and she set her sights on you.”
That wasn’t how he and Melody got together.Hereached out to her online.Hepursued her.
She told him she hadn’t been seeing anyone in a while.And as soon as she knew he was the guy she’d been talking to online, she’d wanted to take their relationship to the next level.
Being with Melody made him happier than he’d ever been.
Amy frowned, sympathy in her eyes.“I hate to see you upset like this.Let me make you dinner.”
“I already have plans.”
“With her?”
She studied him for a moment and stepped close, warmth in her eyes as she placed her hand on his chest.“You deserve better.”The sultry way she looked at him said she wanted to take Melody’s place.
Like he didn’t already know that.So this was all her trying to drive a wedge between him and Melody.“As I said, I’ve got plans.”He sidestepped her and headed for the door.
“Have a good night,” she called after him.
At the moment, all he could think about was what she told him about Josh.
Fox jumped into his car and drove out of the parking lot a little faster than he should, but he wanted to get on the road and see Melody.She’d clear this all up.
As soon as he hit the road out of town, he pulled out his phone and called Dean.
“What’s up?”
“I need you to look into something.”
“The relationship between Melody and Josh?”