Page 27 of Keeping Lilith
While she may not have been used in the way some women were used at both Freedom and Love and The Hopeful Sunshine, it wasn’t hard to imagine the horrors that the people who’d been held against their will by sex traffickers had gone through. The damage to their souls would be irrecoverable. And the trauma would be just as terrible for rescue teams.
“You’re right. My comment was thoughtless. The FBI have people the agents can talk to if needed.”
“Does Alliez?”
Julian pursed his lips. “I’m not sure. But Ox knows the guys really well. If he saw that one of them was struggling, he’d do what was necessary to help them.”
“That’s good.”
Lilith fiddled with her the lid of her salad. Their conversation had gotten heavy and serious, but she was glad because it had shown her a different side to Julian. One that she hadn’t expected. There was more to him now than the man she’d known all those years ago. The one who’d treated her like dirt. The one who believed he was God’s greatest gift to women.
“Thank you for bringing me here. It’s nice to get out into the sunshine again,” she said quietly once the silence had dragged on between them.
“You really prefer being outside, don’t you?”
Lilith closed her eyes and tilted her head toward the sun. She slipped her shoes off and sunk her toes into the grass under where they sat, relishing the feeling of freedom washing over her. “I do.”
“Then we’ll find you a job working outside. I’m sure I can get you a couple of leads.”
Lilith’s eyes snapped open, fire building in her belly at his statement. “I can find my own job, thank you. I don’t need help.”
Julian held his hands up in surrender. “Hey, sorry. I know you can. I was just trying to help. I wasn’t taking control. I promise.”
A sigh rippled through her. She’d overreacted to his simple offer. When would things change for her? “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I know you’re not trying to control what I do, it’s just … I’ve spent the last year being told what I can and can’t do. It’s going to take me time to comprehend that whensomeone says something, it’s not because they’re trying to take over. They’re just trying to help.”
Julian smiled softly. His hand moved but stopped from touching her, and part of her wished he would. Or that she had the courage to touch him. “I get it, I do. How about this? If you need help finding a job, all you have to do is ask, and I’ll do what I can to make it happen.”
“Thank you.”
And taking a leap of faith, Lilith placed her hand on his.
Chapter Fourteen
The sky turnedfrom purple to black as night descended over him. Julian lifted his glass to his mouth and swallowed some scotch. The chirp of crickets filled the air, and he took a moment to appreciate it. He rarely sat outside at night, but he might make a habit of it now. The night held a certain peace, even though the sounds of traffic vied with nature's orchestra.
His relaxation time brought him closer to Lilith. Was she outside right now? Or was she in her room? Was she thinking of him? Julian scoffed at that last thought. Lilith had more important things to focus on than thinking about him.
After their lunch together, he’d gone back to the office and worked more on the job that had had him at Alliez’s office that day. The team and taskforce were ready to make their move, but they had to wait until they had confirmation that the women and children were going to be shipped out. Once they had that, they would make their plans and ensure that the innocent souls wouldn’t be dragged into a hell they couldn’t return from.
He’d struggled to concentrate. All his focus had been on his hand and lingering tingles from where Lilith had touched him—of her own free will.
The second her hand had landed on his, he’d frozen, enjoying the warmth her hand generated over his. He’d longed to flip over his hand and entwine their fingers together, but he hadn’t. After the way she’d reacted to his flyaway comment about helping find a job, he’d vowed that whatever happened between them would come from Lilith. He would follow her lead.
His phone buzzed beside him, and he was ready to ignore it, as his screen showed a number he didn’t recognize. Yet his gut was telling him to answer it. “Hello?” he said cautiously, fully expecting a robotic voice telling him they could help with his student loan debt. Or that the IRS was after him. Sadly, many people did fall for whatever the scammers were selling. They weren’t unlike those that sucked people into cults.
His heart tumbled over when he heard Lilith’s sweet voice. “Yeah it’s me, Lil. Everything okay?”
Silence met his question, and he started moving inside, heading to where he’d left his keys. If she needed him, he would be there as quickly as he could.
“Yes,” she said eventually as his hand was on the doorknob, ready to twist it open. “Umm, Cass got me a phone.”
The tension left Julian, and he tossed his keys back on the table before sitting on his couch. “That’s good. Am I your first call?”
“Yeah, you are.” He could hear the smile in her voice.
“Then thank you. I feel honored.”