Page 19 of Guilty Mothers
‘To whom?’
‘Girls who need it.’
‘Based on what?’
‘Hang on,’ Kim said. ‘You charge people for counsel without any type of accreditation?’
Jude regarded her with interest. ‘Wow, two assumptions in one sentence. Pretty good. Are you always this judgemental?’
‘Yes, she is,’ Bryant said, clearly enjoying his cappuccino and probably hoping for a refill by sucking up to the barista.
‘I don’t offer counsel and I don’t charge. I offer support.’
‘Yes, you’ve said. Did you offer support to Katie Hawne?’
‘I did indeed.’
‘May we see your records?’
‘I don’t keep them.’
‘We could get a court order,’ Kim said.
‘That won’t make them suddenly exist. People come here. They have coffee like you’re doing now. We talk and then they go away again.’
‘Cos I don’t want them moving in,’ Judith joked.
Kim took a sip of her drink.
‘All right, not funny. They contact me because of my blog.’
‘Which is about what?’ Kim asked, trying not to lose her patience. The woman was forcing her to ask many questions for very little information.
‘Mommy issues. Katie has issues with her mother.’
No kidding, Kim thought, picturing the scene at Sheryl’s house.
‘How serious are her issues?’ Kim asked, interested in this woman’s perspective.
‘Debilitating,’ Judith answered.
‘Interesting word, meaning that she was unable to function normally. She’s an adult.’
‘I’m going to assume you didn’t have a narcissistic parent, Inspector.’
Kim idly wondered if admitting to having a schizophrenic mother who had constantly tried to kill her and her twin would gain her entry to the club.
‘Care to expand?’ she asked Judith instead.
‘No. Katie came to me in confidence, and I won’t break that, but I will talk generally and use myself as an example. It’s all on my blog if you’d prefer.’
‘No, please continue.’
‘Okay, if you didn’t have a narcissistic mother, it would be impossible for you to understand. Generally, narcissists have a grandiose sense of self-importance. They exaggerate achievements and talents so they can be recognised as superior. They are preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty. They require excessive admiration. They have a sense of entitlement, an expectation of favourable treatment. They lack empathy and are unwilling or unable to recognise or identify with the feelings or needs of others. They are often arrogant and have the mindset “I am the best; I can’t be wrong, and you should be like me”.’