Page 67 of Corrupt Game
The second weekend was amazing. We’d worked on a puzzle. He had given me a word search book to keep me occupied when he had to take a business call.
I had been able to relax, and was present for the moments. There were no thoughts of cramming, constantly on the go, or financial stresses. It was peaceful. Even with the company of Mr. Holdt.
I’d heard of people like this before, ones who took on pets or slaves, who considered those in their care to be property.
But at the same time, that was supposed to be a rather erotic experience. The only thing of an erotic nature I’d had were those moments alone in the basement. Or when he’d been describing in detail what he wanted to do to me. The butt plug he’d inserted had continued to arouse me for days, but the newness had worn off when he hadn’t followed through with it.
That had all vanished over the past two weeks. It was as if we were roommates and not involved in a sexual nature.
Were we involved though? If I was his pet—or even worse, his slave—then I was just a thing to him. Not something that he really cared about. It might be why he could quit giving caresses and showing small amounts of affection.
I still felt as if he’d lost interest, but it could also be a matter of stress and being unable to perform. Some men had performance anxiety, especially those with his type of issues and business related jobs. Stress was known to deflate a dick or cause blood flow to go to other areas instead of where it was wanted.
Maybe that was what it was. Rather than not wanting me anymore, he was stressed about Andy’s murder. He was feeling guilty, and it was making him not feel sexy.
He hadn’t told me he wanted me, but then again, he hadn’t released me to go back out into the world. I simply couldn’t figure him out.
When Monday morning arrived, instead of the t-shirt and jeans I’d come to expect, I was given a business suit that fit me perfectly.
Unlike the normal attire of a skirt and blouse with a suit jacket, this outfit was a pair of slacks, low slung heels and a business top.
Eager to get started, and possibly find the evidence I was looking for, I hurried to shower and get dressed for the day.
A sense of excitement filled me. I couldn’t believe I was excited to dress up for a day of work outside the basement. The office would be a welcome deviation from the dark and claustrophobic basement. Anything that provided a chance at fresh air was worth being happy about.
I was a complete failure. He’d done it. I had been broken into whatever he wanted me to be. If he said jump, I was willing to not only do it, but ask how high?
When had I gone over to his side? I was a traitor to Andy and his memory.
There wasn’t time to think about it now, I had to get ready for the workday.
Ian didn’t appreciate waiting on anyone, and he always arrived on time to feed me breakfast.
In silence, we made our way to the limo for the ride into town where his office building was located.
Using his private elevator, we arrived inside the same office where I’d had my interview only a month before. It felt like it had been years and not four weeks.
Time was slipping away, and I still didn’t have the proof I needed to convict him of Andy’s murder.
He walked over to one of the side doors in the room and opened a separate office that had a small restroom connected, but no other means of escape presented itself.
He’d really planned and thought this through so that I wouldn’t be able to contact anyone.
No matter how much he said I was gaining his trust, it appeared to be just the opposite.
“You’ll continue working with me. This phone on the table only connects to two people: my office intercom and Kathy in case I’m unavailable. It will automatically forward you to her desk.”
“Please only contact her in an emergency,” he pleaded instead of ordering me around as he normally did. The subtle shift made me pause.
“Here are the files I need you to work on for the day.”
With a quick set of instructions, he turned and left the room.
There was no way I could access or change anything. I simply had to do as requested. The amount of work I had to do was one of the few things that kept me eager to wake up each day.
I did love this kind of job where I could find and do research on other companies. It gave me a thrill that most people wouldn’t understand. Uncovering discrepancies or waste that someone was trying to cover up made me dig that much harder.
It was like being a detective and sorting out clues to a murder or being involved in the murder investigation itself. Maybe that’swhy I wanted to solve Andy’s murder. I hoped it was for more than the thrill of finding the information and more about justice. My brother deserved more from me.