Page 68 of Corrupt Game
After the first few days, I did exactly what I was told, but then realized I did need some extra information to finish processing the files the way they should be done.
I pushed the intercom button and was rewarded with Rossi’s deep voice, which meant that Ian was not available.
“Yes, may I help you, miss?”
“Um, I’m going to need to see some extra files that deal with this Carlyle matter. How would I get those? Or would they be able to be brought to me?” I wanted to give him a few options to get me what I needed. It showed I only cared about the information needed.
“ Let me check with Mr. Holdt and find out what he wishes to have you do.”
“Thank you,’’ I chirped in a happy manner. After all, he had allowed me to work instead of sitting in a dark basement twiddling my thumbs.
At least he was paying me to do something useful with my skill sets.
The door opened, and Rossi stood there waiting for me to join him.
“Mr. Holdt suggested that I escort you to the file room so that you can look for anything you need in regards to this matter.” His expression didn’t change from his serious posture.
“Wonderful!” I clapped like I was going on a field trip. My cheerful disposition would help to conceal my extra motives.
I followed behind him and passed the elevator, down the hallway where another room filled with files was kept behind lock and key.
Rossi’s special access card granted us a green light. Most of the files were large file containers or on electronic disks that could easily be accessed through one of the main terminals in the room. Each one was completely unconnected to the internet or servers in the building.
I whistled, impressed at the amount of effort it had taken to compile this type of security, software and files.
He must have quite a bit to hide if he were willing to go to such lengths to keep it from being used or discovered by others.
Rossi simply stood at the door and allowed me to walk through and access different parts of the filing system. He’d handed me a key card and a number sequence that would allow me to open different files as needed.
Unsure of how much Ian could see when I accessed the records, I was fairly certain that he wouldn’t be checking up on my work. Since he seemed to trust that I was doing what I was told, there would be no reason for him to see what I was accessing.
Which was why I tried not to go very far outside the scope of what I was looking for. But as I pulled one of the files out that had not been digitized, I curiously found another one right next to it that had all the ear markings of what I needed to know. I grabbed it and a couple of the other files and took them over to the table designed just for this type of research.
As I gazed and looked through the files, I continued to find references and mentions of shipping containers and special types of materials that I had never come in contact with before.Considering that I had worked in this industry for a couple of years and done research in this field, it was very strange.
With this type of technology and the products that were on board at his company, I was highly shocked to find so little information regarding these various sources.
Certain that I was seeing the code for something else, I scribbled furiously in my notebook and hoped that I would be able to find more information regarding the situation. I wrote down key points and vowed to look them up as soon as I was able.
I found what I was looking for, and that this could be what he was hiding all along.
It was Friday afternoon. So I hurried to put things back in place and nodded to Rossi that I was finished.
He took me back to the small office that I’d been in for the past few days.
After I had completed working on the section he’d left for me that day, I couldn’t leave, knowing there were extra papers waiting for me. There were ongoing files that had to be put to the side for next week as the information needed hadn’t been gathered yet.
I labeled them as unimportant or could be done at a later date.
He watched the cameras and probably monitored my actions. But I wasn’t sure if he actually went back over everything I’d done each day or simply glanced at it. He was very hands on about his company, and I knew that he wanted to make sure that everything was done properly.
At this point, he might consider that I was doing a good enough job and didn’t need to have my work double checked.
Trying to keep my findings hidden in my notebook to be looked over later on, I cleaned everything up. I was prepared to be taken back to the basement. I was pleasantly surprised when Rossi escorted me from the limo to the penthouse instead of the cabin.
“Mr. Holdt will join us shortly.” He spoke the words and left me to my own devices there in the house.
Slightly shocked that I’d been left on my own. I didn’t want to snoop too much, but I was curious about a few things. I was itching to get a glimpse of anything without Mr. Holdt studying me.