Page 10 of Whiskey & Honey
We joked and never followed through. Not because Ashton doesn’t have the talent or doesn’t deserve the recognition. To the contrary, Ashton would make it far in any competition. Not only is she talented beyond comprehension, cute - in a stubborn and annoying little sister kind of way - she is also one of the kindest and most outgoing people I know. Unfortunately, Ash also suffers from panic attacks. The idea of being in front of a crowd of more than the Thursday night karaoke regulars at Country Road sends her into a full panic attack. Not a “she’s a little stressed” attack, no Ashton has these frightening attacks that paralyze her and find us rushing her to the hospital.
That’s why there was only teasing of the kidnapping and plans for extravagant gifts and no golden ticket to Hollywood.
I put my hand on the handle to the screen door and take in a deep breath. Ass, hold on because I have a feeling you’re about to get chewed out.
“Quit being a pansy ass. Get in here so we can do this,” Ash commands before I can even take a step in the door.
“Pansy ass?”
Ash turns from the sink where she’s washing vegetables from Mom’s garden. As she grabs a towel to dry her hands, I am taken aback a little. My baby sister isn’t a baby anymore. We may only be four years apart in age but growing up that seemed like a million. I spent half my time threatening my friends and the other guys in school with their life if they so much as looked at my baby sister. Most of the jerks listened. I’m sure a few snuck around behind my back, but for the most part I managed to keep Ash protected from the douchebags around town. After I left that job fell to Jameson and he has assured me that while she’s dated, Ashton has been more focused on trying to figure out where she’s going in life than who she’s going with.
Ashton is full of spunk as usual but there’s something else in her eyes. I know it’s been a tough year for her and she’s less than thrilled to be living back home with Mom and Dad but I wonder if it’s something more. Thankfully, her sass outweighs the sadness.
I ignore the look she’s shooting my way and open the fridge to grab a beer. I pop the cap off and take a seat at the island before another word is uttered by either of us.
“Well?” I ask.
“Well? That’s what you have to say? Well?”
“How about ladies first? That better, Ash?”
“Ugh! You are so infuriating, Bentley. What was that last night?”
“What do you want me to say? Sorry? Okay, sorry.”
Ashton stops her foot in frustration and tosses her hands up in the air. I smile and take another drink of my beer.
“You should have one of these,” I say, motioning toward my bottle.
“I couldn’t agree more, but I have to work in an hour,” she replies, taking the seat next to me.
I nudge her a little with my knee and she lays her head on my shoulder.
“Please don’t hook up with Piper, Ben. She’s been screwed over so much and I don’t want to see her hurt.”
“Gee thanks, sister of mine. So much confidence in me I see.”
“I’m sorry. It’s not you. You’re the best guy in the world and if you weren’t my brother you are the exact guy Pipe should be with. It’s just…”
She pauses and turns toward me. I follow suit and look at her. Are those tears?
“Ash, what’s wrong? Are you crying?”
“What? No. Okay, maybe. I don’t know. It’s just that Piper is my best friend and you’re my brother. If you hooked up and it didn’t work out, I’d be in the middle. I don’t want to lose my friend and I don’t want to have to hate you and say awful things about you in the name of sisterhood. So just do me a solid and don’t hook up. Please?”
“First, don’t cry. It’s not that serious, okay?”
She nods.
“Second, I don’t plan on hooking up with anyone. You know Laurel and I just broke up. Besides that, I just moved back to town and am living with Mom and Dad. I’m in no position to start something up with anyone, Piper or not.”
Ashton smiles at me and it looks as if a thousand-pound weight has been lifted from her shoulders. As her brother I am happy to be the one to relieve some of that stress. As the man who experienced the best kiss of his life less than twenty-four hours ago, I feel defeated.
“You promise? You won’t start something up with Piper? Last night was just a mistake?” she asks me hopefully.
“I promise. I will not start anything with Piper. But can I ask you something?”
A little reassurance from me seems to be all she needed because the usual pep is back in Ashton’s step as she hops off the stool and back toward the sink to her vegetables.
“Sure, shoot.”
“When did Piper get so hot?”
I can’t help it. I’m the big brother, it’s my job to piss her off.
Ashton turns to me with a mischievous smile on her face. “Piper has always been hot. Boys are just dumb and it isn’t until they’re men that they appreciate what’s always been there.”