Page 152 of Dmitri
I give in and swallow the stupid pills, chasing them with orange juice. “Where’s Dae?”
“She’ll be here soon.”
I rub my forehead, wincing. My concussion has my head hurting more than the stab wounds on my torso, all of which are going to leave scars. I’ve got an extensive collection that seems to never end.
Knox tips his head to the ceiling and sighs dramatically. “I need a vacation away from you kids.”
Ryker walks across the suite with a tray of grilled cheeses. “I think we’ve all earned a vacation.”
“For real.” Vault snatches a sandwich and takes a big bite.
“That could have gone so wrong,” I say, too nauseous to eat.
“But it didn’t,” Knox claps back.
But it could have, I think again.
The last night Daelyn stayed with me at the Monarch, I waited for her to fall asleep, then I slipped out of the club and set my half-cocked plan into motion. I went for Ace, because he was the youngest member of Kaleb’s gang, and it didn’t take me long to realize he had a sweet spot for Daelyn and Addie. He was just as stuck as they were, too, which I used to my advantage.
I gave him a choice.
He picked Daelyn.
I think they all would have if I’d had the time to reach out to each member of Kaleb’s crew. As it was, Ace only had a chance to contact Casey.
Two was better than none.
Kaleb never had their respect, but my girl sure as shit did, and I don’t think Dae ever realized it. But to make my plan work, I had to make Kaleb come to me. His mother was just a bonus. Thanks to Vault’s wizardry, I knew she was living in a condo in Miami. Why Kaleb told Daelyn his mother was dead is beyond me, unless it was one more thing to soften Daelyn with. Lord knows he wrung out her pity just to use her up however he saw fit.
Fucking hell, I’m glad he’s dead.
Ace ratted Kaleb out once he knew Daelyn was on my side. He even said Kaleb never went to Miami but was letting Daelyn think she still had time to finish the job without him hovering over her.
Putting any amount of trust in Ace was a fool’s move, but I did it anyway. He’s only twenty, lost, angry, and scared because he’s trapped in the same game as Daelyn.
I knew Kaleb was watching us the day Addie came home from the beach. I saw him across the street, staring at her house like he wanted nothing more than to burn it down because I was inside it. That’s why I let him hit me first and allowed him to think he’d bested me so fast.
I also knew he’d want Addie dead because it would hurt Daelyn most. He’d save me for last so he could look like a god and show off his power to his crew.
I also gambled with the odds that he’d take me to the Scrapyard to end my life. Like Daelyn said, Kaleb knows every shady motherfucker in the city. And no one is more shady than Silas. Kaleb had the money to buy the old man’s silence, but not his loyalty.
That belonged to me.
Silas played both sides of the fight and came out a rich man. As usual. Because of it, Daelyn’s gotten away with murder.
My only regret was getting swept up in the desire for revenge. Daelyn and I planned to use the footage of us together in the club to throw it in Kaleb’s face as payback. He might have sent her to me, but he never in a million years thought she’d leave him for me. We wanted to rub it in his face.
In hindsight, I wish I hadn’t gone that far. He was tortured enough just having a mother like Gretchen. I think he was groomed the longest out of everyone, honestly.
Ace has left the city, and no one can reach him. I’m sure Casey’s gone underground by now, too. Everyone else is dead and their bodies have been disposed of by Silas. We’ll never know what he did with them.
Fucking hell, my shoulder hurts like a bitch. At least the bullet didn’t destroy it. I’m sure I’ll be back to swinging in no time.
I was lucky the other night. I could have died a dozen times and didn’t. The image of Kaleb dying in my hands will be forever burned in my brain. I can’t believe Daelyn killed him.
Does she regret it?
Does she hate herself for it?