Page 153 of Dmitri
Does she hate me?
We haven’t talked since that night, and I’m scared for our future.
I know this is hard for her. Kaleb might have been a bad motherfucker, but he was her person for a very long time. I hope she finds peace with her newfound freedom. I hope she finds forgiveness for what I put her through that night.
Silas and his clean-up crew took care of everything at the Scrapyard. He might not be completely loyal to me, but he’s one-hundred percent loyal to himself. As a former crime scenecleaner, he’s an expert on getting rid of evidence.
Addie’s safe too. Ace pretended to attack her that night, so Daelyn would believe Addie was dead, because Kaleb needed to believe it too. He’d be able to tell if she was faking something like that.
My girl’s heartbreak was real and raw, and I used it to my advantage.
I hope she forgives me for not letting her in on all the aspects of my plan. I couldn’t risk her hesitation and didn’t want to jeopardize her any more than I already had.
Ryker’s cell goes off and he frowns at the screen. “The girls have arrived. Sophie’s letting them in.”
I’m in the Butterfly suite, which feels awkward as fuck. It’s been a week since the fight and every part of my body still hurts. I think I’m getting soft.
“Shit,” I sit up and pull the covers off my lap. “I need a shirt.”
“You need to lie back down before I tie you to the bed,” Ryker snaps.
“Don’t go threatening him with a good time,” Vault argues. “He can’t have physical activities for at least another week, or he’ll bust his stitches.”
I look like Frankenstein’s twisted little brother. “She can’t see me like this.”
The door swings open and Daelyn comes in with Addie behind her.
I freeze, feeling insecure, awkward, and out of my depth. There are too many eyes on me, and I don’t like it. I need a shirt, so my little sister doesn’t see what a monster I am.
Addie carefully sits down next to me. Her gaze sails all over my face like she’s searching for the hidden meaning of life behind my bruised eyes and bashed up mouth. Then her gaze drifts down my chest, landing on each scar, bruise, and dressingcovering my bullet and stab wounds.
Without saying a word, she leans in and wraps her arms around me.
Yeah… I can’t… fuck… this is…
My good arm encases her in a hug of its own accord. “Are you okay?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” She sniffles in my ear. “Oh my god, I have abrother.” Addie pulls back and I can’t stand the tears in her lovely brown eyes.
“Please don’t cry. I can’t do tears.”
“I’m not crying. I’m leaking. It’s a piping issue.” She quickly swipes her tears away. “See. All good.”
“Damn, girl.” I bring her in for another hug. This one hurts every part of me because it’s tighter and I don’t care if I pop a stitch. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
She doesn’t know about everything that went down and it’s going to stay that way, so help me God. But she knows I fought Kaleb, and that she and Daelyn won’t be seeing him ever again.
She also knows, obviously, that Ace helped us and protected her, too.
“Thank you,” she whispers in my ear while I hug her. “I owe you everything.”
“Nah, baby sister. It’s what family does for each other.”
I look over at Daelyn, who’s hugging herself. “Get over here, Firefly.”
Addie moves so Daelyn can take her place.
God, she’s so beautiful. My little killer.