Page 18 of Redeemed
JThadspentthenext two weeks watching for any signs that Sofia might feel something other than friendship for him like Dani had said. So far, he hadn't seen a thing. She was as friendly as ever and the previous weeks' tension seemed to have eased a bit, but he didn't see any overt signs that she wanted him to change their relationship.Damn Dani and her matchmaking.
He huffed out a deep breath and went out to the café to see Sofia before he left for the day. What he saw made him feel like he had been sucker punched. It was Sofia giggling over Jesse, the mountain. She had a hand on his shoulder and the man's arm was around her waist. Any second now, she'd take a seat right on his giant boulder of a lap. He willed his legs to move across the room, but he felt like they were filled with concrete. He must have made some noise as Sofia turned toward him before he reached the table.
"Oh, JT. You remember Jesse, right?" she said, smiling widely toward the completely unwelcome visitor.
Jesse stood and held out a hand. "Good to see you again, man." JT let the man pump his hand up and down a few times. "Had to run over to Tyler for yet another wedding thing for Amy, excuse me-Amarylis, so thought I'd drop in and see Sofia."
"We're so glad you stopped by, aren't we JT?" Sofia asked, raising a black brow in his direction. She didn't understand why he was acting so weird.
"Yeah, of course," JT responded, internally shaking himself out of his stupor. "Too bad you missed lunch, though. We were just closing up."
The mountain brushed a giant paw across the top of his closely cropped black hair, patting imaginary strays back in place. "That is too bad," Jesse said, glancing back at Sofia. That haircut probably cost as much as my Jeep. You'd better take it easy there, sport.JT crossed his arms over his chest and tightened his fists making his biceps pop. The guy might be bigger than him, but he'd bet money he didn't keep himself in as good a shape.
"Oh, I bet JT could rustle you up something. Couldn't you, JT?" When he didn't immediately answer, she continued, "If you've got plans, though, I'm sure I can throw something together. I think we have some of that good ham left and a couple of Betsy's baguettes from today's order."
"Don't go to any trouble on my account," Jesse said, but his smile told JT he definitely wanted Sofia to go to the trouble for him. She'd probably invite him into the kitchen-his kitchen-so he could keep her company.You'd like that, wouldn't you, sport?He'd be damned if that man was going to be in his kitchen with his girl. Wait. His girl?Sofia isn't yours, dumbass, and never will be. Pull it together.
He worked his jaw loose to speak. "I'll see what I can find," JT agreed and turned to stomp back to the kitchen.
Sofia narrowed her eyes at JT's back. She turned back to Jesse and plastered a pleasant smile on her face. "Would you like tea or coke?" she asked.
"Dr. Pepper would be great if you have it. Thanks, Sofia." He watched her watching JT slam the swinging kitchen doors open. "I hope it's not a problem. We can always meet up another time. Amy's got something for this wedding every week it seems like."
Sofia fought the scowl that wanted to take over her face. "No, everything is fine. Don't worry about it. Now is a great time," Sofia assured him. "I'll get your drink and be right back."
She tried to maintain a casual stride across the room but couldn't help slamming into the swinging doors a little herself. "What exactly is your problem?" she hissed in a whisper to JT once the doors swung closed again.
He didn't turn to face her but took some ham he had pre-sliced earlier today from the fridge. "Not a thing. Why do you ask?" he said, his irritation clear in his voice.
"I told you I'd do it," Sofia whisper-yelled at him, hands planted firmly on her hips. "You don't have to stay."
"It's fine. I'll handle it," JT ground out, still not looking at her.
"What is your problem with Jesse? Did y'all have some, somethingin high school that you're still mad about?" Sofia asked. "You were weird when he showed up the other night, too."
"I told you, it's fine. No problem," JT responded curtly, slicing baguettes lengthwise for sandwiches. She needed to go now and leave him to get the damn mountain his sandwich.
Sofia grabbed his arm and pulled. "JT, look at me!"
He hissed and swore. "Shit!" The sharp knife had sliced the hand that was holding the bread in place when Sofia jerked his arm.
"Oh, God, JT, I'm sorry!" She grabbed a clean towel off the counter and pressed it to his palm. "Here, we need to put pressure on it. I hope it's not going to need stitches. I'm so sorry," she repeated as she squeezed the towel to his hand before hers.
He studied the top of her head as she bent over his hand. Her hair was so black and shiny. He thought again it looked like a raven's wing or black silk. He took a breath. And there was the honeysuckle. "I'm okay, Sofia. I've cut myself a thousand times. You don't need to fuss," he said quietly, the anger suddenly drained out of him.
She looked up at him, a quizzical expression on her face at his suddenly softened tone. "I, I'll get the first aid kit," she stuttered and dug under one of the counters for the red box.
When she removed the towel, there was only a thin red line across the middle of his palm. "It doesn't look like it needs stitches, thank goodness," she said as she carefully placed the gauze on the cut and taped it down. Her eyes were shiny with tears when she looked back up at him. "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have grabbed you like that. I was just…" before she could finish her thought, JT took her face in her hands and kissed her. And kept kissing her. Her hands reached up, grasped the fabric of his t-shirt over his chest, and held on tight.
Without letting go of her mouth, he dropped his hands to her waist and lifted her to sit on the counter. He stepped between her legs and continued the sensual assault on her mouth, driving every other thought out of her brain. When he slipped the tie from her hair and tangled his fingers through the silky strands, she heard a moan. She wasn't sure if it came from her mouth or his. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered but his lips on hers, demanding she respond. He slid a hand down her back and his warm fingers snaked under her t-shirt. pulling her tighter against his chest. Sofia wrapped her legs around his waist, desperate to get closer. Her hands traveled up to his head and threw off his ballcap. She grasped the curly hair at the back of his neck and tried to pull him closer still. It wasn't enough. She needed more. She needed…
Someone cleared their throat. "Uh, sorry. I thought something might be wrong when you didn't come back. I heard noises and, uh…" Jesse sputtered, standing in the doorway to the kitchen.
We really need a lock for that damn door.JT cupped the back of Sofia's head and held her to his chest so Jesse wouldn't see the red heat he could feel crawling up her face. He slowly turned to look at the mountain standing in his kitchen and tried to catch his own breath.
"I cut myself while I was making your sandwich. Sofia was helping me doctor it," JT said casually, with only a little smirk.
"Oh, um. Sorry about that man." Jesse rubbed the back of his neck looking decidedly uncomfortable. "Well, hey, uh, I can see y'all are, uh, busy, Don't worry about the sandwich, man. I'll try to catch up with you next time, Sofia."